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Turner takes me by the hand and starts leading me out of the hotel. I'd noticed by now he had accepted me as a client and started the service which was apparently his job.

On the way to the hotel we get talking. I know I hired him as a sex worker just now but i still want to get to know this man truly.

"Hey, um.. Before this whole thing, can you tell me your name?"

"You can call me Arabella." He says. So that's what A stands for.

"Isn't that a girl's name?" I ask out of curiosity

"So? It means 'beautiful'. Don't you think men can be beautiful?"

"No it's not that. I've never met a guy named Arabella before is all. In fact, I think it's quite fitting. You're beautiful." I compliment him, something I wouldn't be able to do normally. Maybe it's the alcohol in my system making me bolder.

He smiles "Aw, thank you."

He probably gets thousands of compliments from guys like me, considering he's sort of like an escort. A good one, at that.

I don't understand how this guy has me all messed up already. I'd normally consider myself quite charming, and know my way into a man's pants. But with Arabella I feel trapped, and shy. Maybe it's because I may have figured out something i wasn't supposed to. Either way I can't seem to talk comfortably around him. I don't want there to be an uncomfortable silence, so I ask whatever comes to my mind

"So, what kind of music do you listen to?"

He looks at me, confused. He's probably wondering how stupid of a question that is to ask an FSSW. After a few seconds he answers "Oh, I like The Strokes. And The Beatl-"

"No way! Me too!" I can't help but exclaim in excitement. I'm always this way when it comes to The Beatles.

Without even realizing, we speak for hours. About everything. Music, colors, history, falafels.. I'd already forgotten about our agreement, and the plan to go to a hotel.

We only notice how long it's been when we realize the sun is rising.

"Aw man, we lost track of time." I turn to him "do you want me to walk you home or summat?"

"We still have time, you know. We can still go to a hotel and go along with the original plan." A subtle smile forms on his face as I feel my heart starts beating faster and faster.

"Oh! If we still have time, sure!" I say, not being able to hold down my enthusiasm. I don't have enough time to rest when he cups the side of my face and presses his lips against mine.

Soft, elegant and ever so gentle. His lips on mine makes shivers run down my spine. I carefully hold his shoulders and gesture him to come closer; which he does. He wraps his arms around my neck and deepens the kiss.

And here I am, making out with my librarian crush in the middle of the street as the early birds have just flown out of their nest to catch the worms. He pulls away after a little just to mutter "My place is close, let's go there" before taking my hand and leading me through the streets. I'm too baffled to do or say anything other than follow his lead and obey every word that comes out of his gorgeous mouth. Although I'm curious on why he suddenly decided to take me to his own place instead of a hotel. I can't help but feel honored; suspecting he trusts me enough to let me come to his home.

We arrive, it looks like a fairly small apartment. At first sight it looks tidy and the interior is well-designed. I can sense his personality quite clearly in the roasted wood scented humidifier he's been using. I don't have much time to look around as I'm instantly pulled into another heated kiss by Arabella.
[A/N: the rest of the chapter is smut. Stop reading here if that's not your cup of tea! I'll see you in the next chapter]

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