Chapter 2

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Kakyoin P.O.V:

Why isn't she on the roof with us? It's lunch time after all. 

Jotaro caused this, didn't he. He scared off my vulnerable Y/n.

I approached him, he was sitting with his legs dangling off the building. As soon as he heard me approaching he stood up and walked toward me instead of waiting on the ledge. 

"Why?", I asked him.

"Why what?", he told me.

There's no way he didn't know what he'd done, what a disgraceful boy.

"You know what I mean", I said, "You scared off Y/n by being the rude person you always are, a simple no would've sufficed!"

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"That's what this is about?", he said.

"Of course that's what this is about!"

"Calm down, it's not like I beat her up, if she's that hurt by me saying that then she shouldn't have hung out with us in the first place"

In the first place?! Why was he blaming Y/n for his rotten attitude!? 

Hierophant Green manifested behind Jotaro. I almost had my stand's hands around his neck, I couldn't help but wonder how much force it would take to break it. However, he began to turn around, so I recalled my stand. 

"If you want me to be nicer to Y/n then I'll do it as long as she doesn't pester me, got it?", he bargained.

I slowly exhaled as I nodded. I walked down the stairs to go in search of Y/n. How dare she avoid me, she promised she wouldn't, right? I entered the lunch room and searched for my dear Y/n.

She was sitting next to two other people. They must be Cherry and Eiji. Those worthless idiots were taking away her attention from me. I patiently waited in the corner of the room and stared at both of her friends. 

The one named Eiji quickly noticed me and tried to look away. That behavior ended up signaling Y/n to me. Y/n quickly turned around to see me looking at her. I could feel my face softening as we made eye contact.

She began walking over to me, curiosity lingered in her eyes.

"Why are you here? Weren't you hanging out with Jotaro on the rooftop?", she had asked me.

"So you did know where I was?", I responded, "You knew where I was and you didn't come to see me?"

She appeared to be taken aback by my response.


"You promised you wouldn't avoid me, didn't you?", I said, hopefully I didn't sound too hurt about it.

"W-well yeah I did but-", she stammered.

"But what? Did you take back your promise?", I accused.

"I didn't!", she defended herself, "you didn't ask me to hang out with you today so I assumed you didn't want to see me!"

While I hadn't noticed how enraged my face had become, it soon relaxed as she gave me her reason.

"Oh Y/n, there's never a time I don't want to see you", I said to her.

"In that case, why don't we hang out tomorrow on the rooftop?", she suggested.

I enthusiastically nodded my head. After I did, she appeared to be relaxed and happy.

As she sauntered off toward the table with her friends, Cherry walked up to her, practically bubbling with excitement. The two started talking, but I could barely hear them.

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