2095, August 23

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 The day began as you would have expected in a Vault-Tec vault. Experiments on the residents ranging from exploring the leftovers from a once forgotten future, to more sinister tests. Seeing how, maybe if, human could mutate. We never though that one of the residents would go rogue. Blasting a hole into the wall to what seems to be a underground city. But it did let us get out, away from them crazy tests. 


  Day 1

    As we set out to explore this underground city, we find more and more supplies. It was like it was a training grounds for this vault. It looked like a slice of Bartlett, or some other towns you see thru the south. I have heard of Vaults that have underground cities for their peoples but not one this large. Poor Jim, He got killed in the explosion. JT is here though, he is looking around.

   "There is a Red Rocket with power?" Jamie askes as we all direct our attention towards the gas station. "I wounder where it is getting its power from." JT says as we enter the place. "There must be a generator somewhere in this city. We all look around as we hear the earth rumble. 

   "What the fuck what that!?" JT back out of the building as the roof of the undead city collapse ontop of the Red Rocket. "Where's Sam? Michel screams as she runs towards the building. We all stop her, "It's not safe enough for us to enter it!" JT screams at her. Se falls to her knees crying, we all assume the worst and comfort Michel.

  "We need to see there this leads to." James looks as we can see light coming thru the tunnel that became as we was exploring. "Maybe it leads to the surface?" I exclaim. "O-Or another vault?" We exchange looks as everyone makes their own judgement on the case. We hear someone whimper from the gas station. We see Sam crawl out from the rubble. "Look what I have-" She is holding a Nuka-cola. "Nuka-cola!" Sam smiles brightly and we all laugh.

  "we thought you died Sam!" Michel exclaims. Sam smiles, "I know. I heard all you crying like a baby. I'm tougher then dirt your soothers." Sam smiles as she takes a drink of the cola. "Still cold and fresh." She shares it with us and we find a place to sleep for the night.

 *Authors' note* : Everything in this is to be so don't hast. Plus I'm making a surprise for this story. And you all can send in OC's or such you want in here, No furrys' til later! But I would like to know: Where do you think the tunnel leads to?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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