8: Tokyo

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EIGHT MONTHS HAD passed since Laura and Clint had found out they were expecting. Laura had retired about five months ago so she could take care of their son without SHIELD getting in the way. Clint had also bought a larger house in Iowa for him and their family because the apartment back in Queens was a bit full, although Laura was staying back in New York at the moment because there were still making a few last minute fixes back at their house.

Right now, Clint, Nat, and Ale were in Tokyo right now on an undercover mission. They had infiltrated a large company that was funding several groups that were against SHIELD, including the Aves de Presa. Natasha was 'at work' right now, Clint was in the shower, and Ale was uploading what she had learned during her shift thirty minutes ago.

As she uploaded the information, she studied the information they had already gotten. There was something off about it. They had figured out almost everything about the groups that the company was funding, except for the largest one. They had practically nothing about that one. As Ale looked through the files, she noticed that a few of the addresses that they mailed weapons to were close to SHIELD bases and safe houses. Whoever this group was, the were doing a really good job at hiding from SHIELD, especially considering how close they were to each other. Unless...

The phone suddenly rang, interrupting Ale's thoughts. She answered it, expecting it to be Nat calling from work, or something.

"Kon'nichiwa,"(Hello) Ale answered in Japanese, just in case it wasn't Nat.

"Agent Herrera, is Agent Barton there?" Coulson answered.

Ale blinked, surprised. They hadn't been in contact with anyone from SHIELD since they left a month ago. On deep undercover missions like these they didn't want to risk blowing their cover.

"Uh, he's taking a shower right now," Ale replied. "What do you need to talk to him about?"

"Well, we just got a call from Laura's sister that she's in labor."

Ale's eyes widened, "Santa mierda! Okay. I'll tell him. Uhm...what exactly do you want us to do?"

"Director Fury sent a jet that should be there in about three hours."

"What about the mission."

"He'll get another team out there soon enough," Coulson assured her. "Right now the three of you need to get back here ASAP."

Ale nodded, "Okay, I should probably start packing everything up. Bye, Phil."

"Goodbye, Alejandra."

Ale sat there for a moment shocked. She new Laura was getting close to having the baby, but she was not expecting it to be while they were on a mission.

Once she had gotten over the initial shock, Ale started packing up all their stuff. She was had just finished loading up all the tech, when Clint walked out of the bathroom. He noticed Ale was packing everything up, which meant something was not good.

"Ale, what happened?" he asked. "Did Nat get her cover blown."

Ale shook her head, "No, but we need to get everything packed up and on the roof in three hours if we are going to make it in time."

"In time for what?" Clint asked, clearly confused.

"To meet your son," Ale responded, while simultaneously throwing several papers that had been previously hanging on the wall into a metal trashcan then tossing a lit match into it as well. They had uploaded all of the information they had gotten from those papers into SHIELD's database, so they didn't need to keep the papers.

"Wait, what?!" Clint's jaw dropped. "Laura, she's..."

Ale nodded, "Yep."


About six hours later, they landed on the roof of the hospital that Laura had gone to. There were a few confused doctors up on the roof. One of them came over and asked them if any of them were hurt, Ale merely showed them her SHIELD badge, and said they were here on SHIELD business, and they let them in.

They headed down to the third floor where they said Laura would be. In the waiting area, Ale noticed someone she recognized, Laura's sister, . Lena worked as a nurse here, and had probably been helping Laura. She spotted us and, Clint ran over to her.

"Is she okay?" was obviously the first question he asked her.

"She's fine," Lena assured her. "They're both fine."

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