7: News

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 IT WAS ABOUT a week after the mission in Germany. Natasha, Clint, Laura, and Ale were all on a break, and decided to stay home and not go anywhere for the day. Laura had been throwing up that morning, so probably not the best idea to go to the movies or something, like they were planning yesterday.

Natasha and Ale were in the living room watching a movie on the TV. Clint and Laura were in their bedroom, doing who knows what. Natasha noticed Ale was only wearing a tank top and leggings, and it was pretty cold in their apartment.

"You cold?" she asked.

Ale shrugged, "A little."

Nat motioned for her to move closer and get under the blanket with her. Ale hesitantly did. She had never been that close with anyone before she met Nat, Clint, and Laura. And no one had ever made her feel the way Nat did. Part of her wanted to tell Nat everything about her, while another felt nervous and scared.

Ale relaxed as Nat wrapped an arm around her. They lay there on the couch like that, then they heard a screaming from down the hallway. Ale and Nat looked at each other. The screaming didn't sound like their friends were in trouble, but it was still strange.

The two women got up from the couch and walked down the hallway and to Clint and Laura's room. Clint looked overwhelmed, but happy.

"You're kidding?" he asked.

Laura shook her head, a smile on her face.

"Holy shit!" Clint ran a hand through his hair.

"You guys okay?" Ale asked.

Both of them looked over at their two friends standing in the doorway.

"Uh, yeah," Laura said. "I think Clint's just a bit overwhelmed."

"I couldn't tell," Nat said sarcastically.

"So, what happened that broke Clint's world this time?" Ale asked. "Did Coulson actually fall for one of his pranks?"

Laura chuckled, "Not exactly."

She looked over at Clint, asking a silent question. Clint nodded.

"Uhm...Clint and I, we're...I'm pregnant."

Both Natasha and Alejandra jaws dropped.

"You're pregnant?" Ale asked. "Like, 'gonna have a baby' pregnant?"

Laura nodded, a smile on her face.

Natasha grinned, "Well you're gonna have to find another place to live. This place is full up without a baby."

Laura laughed, "Yeah, I only found out like ten minutes ago, so we haven't quiet gotten there yet."

Sorry for the short chapter. There will probably only be one more chapter in Act 1 before we move onto Act 2.

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