Time Travel!

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Back at the Avengers compound, Bruce was going to help us test out the theory of time travel. I even had some time to fix the regulator on Scott's suit. "Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one." Bruce announced. "Scott, Brenna, fire up the van thing." Scott and I opened up the trunk to Luis's van where Gramps put the quantum tunnel. "Emergency generators are on standby." Steve said. "Good. Because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose Tiny here in the 1950s." "Excuse me?" Scott asked. "He's kidding." Natasha said. "You can't say things like that." "Oh, yes he can." I chuckled. "It was a bad joke." Bruce explained. "You were kidding, right?" Natasha asked. "I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here." Bruce replied. "Either it's all a joke or none of it is." "Mr Lang, get your helmet on. We're gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?" I asked. "Perfectly not confusing." Scott replied. "That's the spirit." I said. "Good luck, Scott." Steve added. "You got this." "You're right. I do, Captain America." Scott replied, going subatomic through the quantum tunnel. "On a count of three." Bruce said. "Three, two, one." As he brought Scott back, we noticed that there was a kid in his suit. "Guys? This doesn't feel right." Scott said. "Who is that?" Natasha wondered. "Is that Scott?" "Yes, it's Scott!" He exclaimed, going back in the tunnel. "What's going on?" Steve asked. "I believe he's aging backwards." I replied. "Ow, my back!" Scott complains, now coming back as an elder. "Or his aging is just screwed up." I commented. "Can you bring him back?" Steve asked. "We're working on it." Bruce replied, banging on the monitor, sending Scott back to the Quantum Realm, bringing him back as a baby. "Shit." I cursed. "It's a baby." Steve said. "It's Scott." Bruce corrected. "As a baby!" Steve shouted. "He'll grow." Bruce argued. "Bring Scott back." Steve said. "When Bruce says kill the power, kill the power." I explained. "Oh my God." Natasha groaned. "And kill it!" Bruce shouted as Natasha killed the power and Scott came back to his normal self. "Mr Lang? How are you doing?" I asked. "Somebody peed my pants." Scott replied. "But I don't know if it was baby or old me. Or just me me." "Time travel!" Bruce exclaimed. "We've got a lot of work to do." I sighed.

While Steve was talking with Tony, I decided to treat Scott to some tacos and chips. We both thought it was a great time to catch up. "Brenna, you did not have to do that." Scott said. "I wanted to. You've been dealing with me since we left San Francisco." I chuckled. "Plus, you're the first person I've done this for." "Well, I'm honored." Scott said. "You know, you're probably the closest person to me that's still around, aside from Cassie." I explained. "She's told me a bunch of stories about you. You and her are a lot alike." "You know, every time I see you, I think of your mom." Scott confessed. "You're both very smart, fearless, and brave. But most of all, you both mean a lot to me." "Fearless and brave are the exact same things." I corrected. "But thanks. You mean a lot to me, too, Mr Lang." All of a sudden, a huge spaceship landed in front of the building. The contents of Scott's taco blew right into my face. A blue female android and a talking raccoon came out of the ship. I guess Natasha really was getting emails from a raccoon. "What the hell?" I asked. "Hey, humies." The raccoon greeted. "Where's Big Green?" "The kitchen, I think." Scott replied. "That's awesome." "Rhodey, careful on reentry." The android said. "There's two idiots in the landing zone." War Machine, or Rhodey, landed in front of us. "What's up, regular sized man?" Rhodey wondered. "What's up, teenage girl?"

Bruce and the raccoon, whose name was Rocket, went to Asgard to find Thor, while Natasha went to look for Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye. But once they returned, it was time to put our plan into action.

I helped Bruce, Scott, and the android, Nebula, with these special suits that will protect us. "Time travel suit. Not bad." Rhodey complimented. "Thanks." I replied. "Hey! Easy!" Scott shouted at Bruce with the Pym particles. "I'm being very careful." Bruce said. "No, you're being very Hulky." Scott complains. "These are Pym particles, alright?" "He has a point. Ever since my grandfather got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have." "We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it." Scott added. "No do overs. Plus two test runs." He accidentally shrunk himself and came back. "Make that one test run." I corrected. "Alright, I'm not ready for this." Scott sighed. "I'm game." I heard Clint say. "I'll do it."

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