Kaveh would enjoy himself more if it wasn't for the uncomfortable silence hanging in the air between him and the nobleman sitting on the opposite side of the carriage. If Alhaitham senses any awkwardness, he doesn't show it, as he is too engrossed with yet another book he decided to bring with him.

"I didn't think you'd come pick me up yourself." Kaveh suddenly says, hoping it would ignite a conversation to kill the uncomfortable silence between them.

"Of course." Alhaitham says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. He doesn't bother looking up from his book. "You're supposed to be my mate for the next few weeks. It's best that we get to know each other and get our stories straight before we arrive, don't you agree?"

"Is there a rush?"

"We are to have dinner with my grandmother tonight." Alhaitham sounds less than thrilled at this. "She's excited to meet my new mate."

"What? Tonight?!" Kaveh knew that playing a role was a part of his job here, but he hadn't expected it to be so soon. "But...but I barely even know you."

Alhaitham finally sets his book aside onto the seat and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Well then, as I said, we might as well get started on getting our stories straight."

During his last, relatively brief trip to the Lord's mansion, he hadn't really gotten a chance to study the interior of the mansion or explore the different rooms; he spent most of his time in the garden either waiting for the Alpha, painting him, or bickering with him.

One would assume with a garden as beautiful, the mansion's interior would be equally if not more amazing. Right? Wrong. Kaveh feels like he is about to break out in hives from how horrible the mansion is on the inside.

Mismatched decorations and clashing colors, the only semblance of coherence to be found was the combination for various shades of green and stacks upon stacks of books scattered around every nook and cranny of the building.

Well, no matter. That isn't his concern right now. What does concern him right now, is trying to convince the old lady sitting opposite to him across the dinner table that he is madly in love with her grandson.

"And he snaps his book shut while I was painting him and just..." Kaveh makes an airy gesture with a hand, "gets up! He ruined the whole scene. And just as I think he's about to walk away, when he just walks up to me instead and asks for a date. I obviously wanted to say no, but... I don't know..."

Kaveh does his best to shoot Alhaitham what could be considered a loving glance. He turns his attention back to the Lady of the house with a small smile. "Deep down, I suppose I knew he was the one. Anyway, I won't bore you any longer. The rest is history."

He's quite good at this, if he says so himself. The quasi-surprised, yet vaguely impressed look on Alhaitham's face seems to say the same.

"Well," The Lady of the house gives her grandson a warm smile before looking back at Kaveh, " I am incredibly happy my little Haitham has found someone to settle down with. He's quite difficult, that boy."

"Believe me, I know." Kaveh chuckles good-naturedly. It's the first bit of truth he's said this entire meal. "But I must thank you for raising such a wonderful grandson. He's everything I could've asked for in a mate. I don't know where I'd be without him."

'At home, with my sketchbook, doing what I pleased, rather than playing this stupid game of emotional charades.' He thinks to himself rather bitterly.

"Please, Kaveh," Alhaitham begins, the pleading undertone to his voice clear. The poor Alpha looked beyond uncomfortable—but hey, given what little Kaveh knew of him and how he seemed to have the emotional range of a mildly perturbed rock, that isn't a bad thing, right? "Your food is getting cold. You should eat."

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