Mom told him, Finn ran in, Rosie running after him, barking. Bruiser barked from Mom's arms.

"Chloe, sweetheart, yours is on the second floor as well. The door down the hall, to the left" Dad told me as I grabbed my stuff.

Walking up the stairs to my room, putting on my speaker on the desk in there.

The movers said hello as they put my stuff in the room. I thanked them as they went to work on the rest of the house.

I scroll through my phone, deciding what song to play. I chuckled as I played Rich girl by Gwen Stefani, i danced slightly, unpacking it, setting it up.

 I chuckled as I played Rich girl by Gwen Stefani, i danced slightly, unpacking it, setting it up

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I walked downstairs and saw Finn putting on his shoes. "Where are you doing Finny?" I asked, walking down the stairs. "Mommy and Daddy wanted us to meet them, meet the neighbors"

He said as I put on my shoes, walking outside with him, Rosie followed us.

We walked over to Mom and Dad, and four more people. "Ah, there they are, kids. This is our neighbor, Charlie Swan. This is his friend, Billy Black, and his son Jacob" Dad told us.

Fun and I  waved at them, I smiled at them, seeing a slight blush on Jacob's face.

"And this is Rosie Woods" I picked her up, they smiled as Rosie barked at them. "And this is Charlie's Beautiful daughter Bella," Mom said, gesturing to Bella, who smiled awkwardly, light blushed.

Charlie pats the hood of the red truck next to us and addresses Bella.

"So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" he asks her.

She looked confused for a second but when she realized she was shocked, to say the least. " This?" she asks in shocked awe. " Just bought it off Billy, here," Charlie answered."

I rebuilt the engine for you," Jacob says to Bella with a smile, Bella's face lights up looking at the truck.

"Come on, oh my gosh! This is perfect! Thank you" she beamed as she opened the door and hit Jacob in the process, we all laugh a little at them.

"I told you, she'd love it, I'm down with the kids, " Billy tells Charlie with a smirk, Charlie rolls his eyes" Oh yeah dude, you're the bomb" Charlie says back.

Bella puts the windows down, we could see inside the truck, not the color I would go for.

"Okay, so you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift, but besides that, you should be good," he says, showing her the inside of the car and handing her the keys.

I picked Finn up, so he can see the inside of the vehicle.

"Wow! This is so cool! You did a great job Jacob," Finn tells him, from my arms. "Maybe You could teach me some time," Finn added, Jacob gives them a smile for a reply before turning back to Bella.

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