05. ride or die

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It wasn't always the case that Kiara was a part of the Pogues. She wasn't there from the beginning - joined the friend group later. She used to be a kook - a rich, arrogant kook.

Kiara was the center of life. She was cool, many admired her - be it because of her many friends, the parties she threw or her easy-going manner, for which everyone raved.

And let's get one thing straight. Kiara loved being a kook.

It wasn't unusual for Kiara and Sarah to hang out in the blonde's backyard; soaking up the sun and planning the party for the next weekend.

Kiara met Sarah when she was a child. They quickly became the best of friends. Everyone knew the two of them only together.

"If you had to choose. Me or Topper? Be honest." Kiara was 15 when she asked the blonde that.

A silly question. Questions, teenager would ask. If Sarah only knew how much meaning the question held.

A wide grin showed on Sarah's face before she silently reached for her straw and bit down on it. "Depends. Will you be my ride or die? Forever?", she turned to her friend, staring deep and long into Kiara's eyes.

"What kind of question is that? What else am I going to do without you?", Kie also reached for her drink turned a little to Sarah to look at her more closely. "Is that all you care about? Staying friends forever?"

That piqued the interest of the blonde, who tilted her head in confusion to show she didn't quite understand Kiara.

"If I were to make a mistake in the future, any mistake. Would you still choose me? Forgive me?"

That triggered an uncomfortable silence.

"The fuck are you trying to tell me, Kie. What did you do?"

"Nothing. I just want to be sure. With our friendship. That we're on the same page."

"I mean, mistakes are part of it. Sure.", Sarah stared dumbly at the sky for a moment. "As long as it doesn't have anything to do with my family. You're not making a pass at my brother or anything, yeah. I'd forgive you anything."

Kiara swallowed.

"Rafe? Me?" she quickly shook her head. "As if."

"You better don't. I would kill you. Both."

  Kiara sighed, turning back around to look right into the bright sun before closing her eyes. "He's an ass."

"And you're not."

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