Jennie went straight to their room to change her clothes. She took off her cargo pants and her long sleeves shirt and toss it to their laundry basket. She found a pile of neatly folded, freshly washed clothes at the edge of the bed. She took one shirt that's above of the pile and slipped through it, skipping the pajama pants or shorts, cause when in the comforts of their home, Jennie only wears shirts, less clothes, less dirty laundry. 

-Hi- Nayeon said, when she finally enters the room after her bath all dressed in her silk orange pajama. Jennie moved close to her and gave her a kiss. Jennie deepens the kiss all of a sudden, that made Nayeon chuckled, she pulled back gently, stopping the kiss

-Slow down tiger. are you okay?- Nayeon asked Jennie, tilting her head to the side, her arms wrapped around Jennie's neck.

Jennie stared at Nayeon lovingly, she took a couple of deep breaths, just staring at her face, casually smoothing her hair, tucking some loose ends to the back of her ear. Nayeon smiled at Jennie, grateful for the extra sweetness tonight.

-Sit up straight, let me look at you properly.

Jennie obeyed, she pulled back a little, sitting up straight 

-Did you get your hair cut or not? You didn't, didn't you?? I thought you had a schedule today for a hair cut? You said would like to get your hair cut before the wedding?

Nayeon comb Jennie's hair with her fingers. Jennie remembered the events she had in the salon, meeting Roseanne the red hair hairdresser

- I know, but, as soon as I walked through the salon I kinda feel like, I really don't want too. Plus, we would have a hair dresser the day of the wedding, my hair would be styled anyway so, it doesn't really matter.- Jennie flashed her cute gummy smile that she and Nayeon shared. Nayeon smiled too. she stretches her arms, signaling Jennie to come back closer, which Jennie did, Nayeon wrapped her arms on Jennie's neck again

-Tell me you love me.

-I love you- Jennie answered in a heart beat

-Tell me something romantic- Jennie tilts her head to the side

-Like what?

-I don't know, like...- Nayeon drops her head down, she caress Jennie's arms, before looking back up

-Like how I'm the only girl in the entire universe that is meant for you

Jennie gave Nayeon a soft smile. She reached out and cups Nayeon's face. She opens her mouth about to say something romantic like what Nayeon's requested when something beeped from their kitchen, alarming them

-OH MY GOD! THE DINNER!!!- Nayeon quickly gets up and rushed through the kitchen, leaving Jennie sitting on the edge of the bed, surrounded by pile of clothes, here and there.

Nayeon must be folding clothes that are already washed, or may be doing some late night closet rearrangement? Their room is in a total mess right now and Jennie doesn't like messy. She feels like she cant move if its not organized, if its not clean. She scratch her head as she picks up every clothes that were on the floor, and put them all to bed so she can fold it. She arranged everything, from Nayeon's bag that was also on the floor, to Nayeon's shoes, hats, scarfs, everything that was on the floor. She also put back chairs that were out of place, she straighten the carpet that got crooked when Nayeon stood up fast as she run to the kitchen to save their dinner. After she cleared all the things that was on the floor, Jennie turn to fix the bed. Fold clothes that was left on top. On the bottom of the last pile of clothes, she saw something  familiar. Something she did not expect to see in this mess, not this day, or not ever. She even forgot about where it was. She thought she had misplaced it back to her parents house. Jennie didn't even remember bringing it to her new apartment.

Jennie pulled out it out and examine it

-God! I hate this building- Jennie can hear Nayeon from the kitchen. Nayeon turned the oven off, who is now full of thick smoke, she stood up on one of the chairs so she can reached the smoke alarm that is still annoyingly beeping, she fans the smoke away from the detector, expecting it to stop beeping if the smoke doesn't reached it

-Shut up!- Nayeon yelled at the detector as she taps it a few times, mostly hitting it with a plastic plate which she used to fan the smoke away, attempting to shut the thing up

-Don't hit it with the thing- Jennie yells from the room as she heard the loud tapping from the kitchen knowing Nayeon is doing. Jennie finished folding the rest of clothes, and now she can examined the lost treasure she had found.

The beeping still continues, Nayeon peeked at the room, she sticks her head out by the door, looking at Jennie


-hmm? - Jennie looked up, holding the red paper bag

-Oh, is that yours? I emptied your closet. We gotta pack for the honeymoon. I saw that at the bottom of your clothes. Why is it only one? where's the other pair?

Nayeon didn't wait for Jennie's answer, as she was brought back to her mission after hearing the annoying beeping sound of the smoke detector, she turned her heels right away, and heads to the front door

-I'm going go yell at the super- Nayeon said, shouting over the annoying beeping sound, to informing Jennie. Soon as Jennie heard the door closing, Jennie's attention went back to the red paper bag. She carefully opens them, tilted over, and a black glove fell into her hand. Jennie smiled as the memories that came back to her once again, not that it ever left her, the  memories, no. Time after time, even how many years had passed everything is still crystal clear to Jennie.

Jennie smelled the gloves, feeling it with her hands, she then about to wear it, when she felt something inside of it. A piece of paper, folded neatly and tiny. Jennie unfolded it and see what the paper was, It was the receipt of the glove purchased. Her eyes scanned the receipt and lands at the bottom of it. Jennie's eyes went wide as she saw that there was an account number listed below, her eyes shines with hope.

-I don't understand why this thing is still going off. you said last week it would be fine- Nayeon enters the place, with a booming voice, Jennie swore that their neighbors can definitely hear her fiancé. Nayeon went straight to the kitchen where the annoying beeping sound is, tailing her was the supervisor of their apartment building

-Hey, Gomdeukie!! this place looks like a disaster- Super said greeting Jennie, he also scans the room quickly. Jennie knew the supervisor the longest, him and Lisa gave that nickname to her, when Lisa was still living with her back when they were in college

-Waddup, Mr. Lee! I know...- Jennie gave a sad smile. The Super was supposed to stop by the door to talk to Jennie some more, when Nayeon cleared her throat, getting his attention back to her and to the beeping sound that gets more annoying. Jennie just shrugged her shoulders to Mr. Lee who was quick to disappear into the kitchen.

Jennie, folded back the receipt and put it in her wallet, so she won't misplaced it somewhere. And lastly she took the glove back into the paper bag and tuck it away nicely, back in the closet, somewhere between her favorite hoodies, safe and it will never go missing again.

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