She really didn't feel like explaining this right now. She really didn't know how she felt about it, or how Anne felt about it, because the position was extremely embarrassing and she didn't even know if Anne was conscious of it because she didn't know if she was conscious or not.

Truth was, Anne had fallen onto Sasha in such a manner that her face had crashed on top of Sasha's. And of course, it had to be in the one way that would have implied something very different had it been intentional.

Sasha wanted to speak, wanted to tell Anne what was happening because of course she would never even think of kissing someone without their consent, but she couldn't because the pressure holding her body down was too much for her to handle, as if the strong Sasha Waybright had been reduced to noodle-armed Waybright. Anne suddenly became the heaviest weight she had ever tried to lift, and that was saying something considering she could now lift the Barrel's Warhammer with ease.

Sasha wasn't even sure if she liked Anne that way. Okay, she probably did, but why would she have to find out like this? Anne would for sure flip, and maybe even try to kill her with more anger if that was possible.

Oh gosh, how would she explain this?

Almost every part of Anne's body was severely uncomfortable. She could tell she was on the floor. Her sword had slipped from her grasp and was probably laying a few feet away along with Sasha's.

Hang on, she was definitely not on the stone-cold floor. Rather, she had fallen on top of someone, which she realized could only be Sasha. 

Her hand felt something hot and wet and she realized she was accidentally pinning the girl on the ground, and what she felt could only be the blood from the wound she had inflicted upon her.

She heard a small squeal of surprise and felt satisfied that she had trapped her enemy: with no escape, she enjoyed the fact that Sasha was afraid, for once in her life. She hoped Sasha had her last words ready, because once she was done with her--

Anne blinked open her eyes and saw two things that massively surprised her.

One, Sasha's eyes were way too close to her face. Wide open and ocean blue, Anne had never seen them more closely than now.

Two, Sasha's face was also super close, and worryingly red, seemingly resembling more closely a tomato with every passing second.

It was this, and the fact that Anne knew she felt something soft on her lips, that made her realize just what exactly was happening.

Anne was kissing Sasha.

Sasha was kissing Anne.

And neither seemed to have done it intentionally.

Anne yelped and threw herself backwards off of Sasha, not understanding why her face was as red as it was right now. Blushing was not the right thing to do when faced with the most backstabbing person in the world.

But even Sasha seemed shocked, and her face was equally red. Neither knew exactly what to say, as their moment had been... confusing at best.

The silence stretched on for at least a minute, and Anne blurted, "What... just happened?"

Sasha was still on the ground, clutching her injured arm and looking up at Anne in pure disbelief. "I think... I think we just--kissed? Accidentally?"

Anne blinked as though it were impossible before accepting that she had indeed just kissed Sasha Waybright, albeit unintentionally. "So. Uhm. Strange question, but..."

"I didn't... really mind it," Sasha mumbled as an answer to what was obviously going to be Anne's question. Unluckily for her, Anne had heard, and she had raised her eyebrows. Sasha immediately fumbled around for an excuse to make it seem like it wasn't that big of a deal. "I--I mean! I'm not saying I, like, liked it liked it--but I'm also not saying you're bad at it--oh my gosh, this is weird--I'm... just going to stop talking...?"

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