Chapter 4

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15th December

Today has been the shitiest day ever. I was laying sound asleep in my bed dreaming of Channing Tatum. Like it was an actual dream about him. I actually felt like I was speaking to him for real. It was just so overwhelming. His lips were so pink and full. My face was that emoji with two hearts as eyes.

When all of a sudden he starts screeching like a girl. I jolted up in bed. My mother was screeching. Yelling at me to wake up. "You have school. Get up!"

"Mom you blackmailed me and made me work last night. I'm shit tired." I covered myself with my blanket again. She pulled of me being the devil she is. I know she's my mom and I shouldn't say such words, but when it comes to sleep and me, nothing can come between us.

With great difficulty I dragged myself to school. I was way too tired. Not because mom had given me work but beaches I was watching The Big Bang Theory all night last night. I slept around 4:30am.

I found Paige standing at our locker. I walked starlight to her.
"Wow. You look drained." She scanned me head to toe, scrunching her nose. That was her thing. Scrunching her nose at anything disgusting.

"Tell me sundering I don't know, " I rolled my eyes and turned around to head to class with Paige. And guess what happens. I bump into Fucking Josh of all people.

His name isn't really Fucking Josh but I call him that because he fucks every girl in sight.
"Careful girl,"  he snarled at me. "Whooaa!"

I followed his eyes to see what caused such a reaction from him. He was staring at my chest. Fucking Josh. Fucking my boobs with his eyes. Dickless despo, I bet he is.

"What." I grimaced at him.

"I didn't realise they were that big, " saying that he and his friends started laughing.

I pulled my shirt up and said, "They don't speak."
It was my turn to laugh now.

He pushed through me and walked past, as Paige and I laughed at his candy ass.

And then I saw it coming, like a rainbow through a storm. Like a ray of light in darkness. Stupid metaphors, forget I said all that. Anyways it was that time I suddenly realised. People like Fucking Josh can't rule my life. Use their weakness against them and they'll be at their knees.

Fucking Josh had only one weakness. He wasn't as smart as any of us. I pointed at Fucking Josh and half shouted. Loud enough for everyone to hear, "It's because of perverts like you girls get raped. Not because they wear short or reveling clothes but because of horny bastard like you, who can't keep it in their pants."

Fucking Josh turned around and shouted,
"Suck my dick."

"I don't think you have one you Dickless despo. Mess with me again and I'll hang your family jewels to the fan." I warned him. He took off showing me The Finger.

I wasn't the kind to rebel against bullies or The Popular Crowd or against eye tapers like Fucking Josh. But seeing him in that moment of weakness when he didn't have a comeback for my smart ass remark, when he felt insecure that we were laughing at him and everyone was watching.

That moment of weakness gave me so much strength that I said all that. And suddenly another realisation hit me. It hit me harder than a tornado.

Holy Mother of Fucking Crap. Fucking Josh wouldn't let this incident go by. He'd do something. Something nasty.  Something nasty to me.

Oh boy.



Going on a vacation to Hong Kong. My heads hurting and my flight is delayed three hours. -_-

So I updated.

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