Reunited + Turn of Events

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Y/n and Wednesday hopped over the fence and faced Joel, who was on the other side. The camp was burning in the background.

''Come on.'' Y/n urged. ''No, I have to go back. For the others.'' Joel insisted. ''And to watch the place burn.'' He added. ''You two go. Save your Uncle.''

Y/n nodded. ''Goodbye Jeol.'' Her and Wednesday turned to leave, but Joel called out to Wednesday. ''Hey, Wednesday can I talk to you real quick?''

Wednesday thought for a moment before nodding, turning to Y/n kissing her forehead and walked to the fence. ''What is it?'' He asked.

''I just wanted to let you know, that I'd never try to come between you and Y/n, and I am sorry I seemed like that.'' Joel confessed. Wednesday raised his eyebrows in mild shock.

''I admit, when I first saw her, I thought she was pretty, but once I saw you two were together, I knew I didn't have a chance. She loves you and you love her.'' Wednesday smiled a little. He didn't just love her, he was in love with her.

''I just hope you can forgive me and we can be friends.'' Wednesday nodded. ''I'd like that Joel.'' Joel smiled. ''I'll never forget you guys.'' ''You won't?'' Wednesday asked.

''Of course not. You guys are too weird.'' ''Well, even though we might never see you again, we'll always have Chippewa.'' Wednesday said. ''And this.'' Joel held something in front of his face.

''What is it?'' ''Amanda's retainer.'' Wednesday nodded at Joel with respect, as they both shared a smile.

Pugsley appeared behind them driving a Camp Chippewa van with Y/n next to him, honking the horn to get their attention. ''Come on!'' He shouted impatiently. Wednesday ran to the van, climbing in the passenger seat, pulling Y/n to sit in his lap.

The three drove off and waved to Joel as he watched them leave.


''Uncle Fester!'' Pugsley, Wednesday, and Y/n stood in the doorway. ''Children!'' Pugsley and Y/n rushed forward to hug Fester, while Wednesday still stood in the doorway. ''You sent us to camp. They made us sing.'' Wednesday said bitterly.

Fester opened his arm to let him join the hug. He gave in and joined to embrace Fester aswell. ''My own dear family. How I missed you all!''

Suddenly a loud voice boomed in the doorway. ''In-laws!'' Debbie was standing in the doorway holding a shot gun. She had crazy hair and even crazier eyes. (To me, she looked like she was on drugs............................ Just saying)


The Addams family were now all in the attic, strapped down to electric chairs. While Debbie stood infront of them holding a remote.

Debbie began to explain her life and other stuff cause author is lazy and tired.

''Goodbye everybody! Wish me luck!'' Debbie announced. ''Good luck!'' They all said. Debbie pulled the lever just as Pubert landed in the room with them.

The electric current from the switch traveled along the wires on the floor. Pubert giggled and Debbie looked at him confused. Pubert held up two wires and connected them which sent the electrical current back over to the handle that Debbie was holding.

Debbie was lifted into the air as sparks flew all around her. Her hair stuck out in all angles, and she started to turn into a pile of ash as the whole family watched with smiles on their faces.

once the electricity stopped, all that was left of Debbie was a pile of ashes, two shoes, and a couple credit cards.

Addams Family ValuesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ