A Patriotic Meet Cute • CE

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"My name to you is Miss Y/l/n, honey, because I'm your teacher, to Miss James, I'm just Y/n because I'm not her teacher."

Stella was still confused, nervously looking towards the road and then to you, playing with the strands of her backpack.

You decide to further explain, "it's like when you call your Mom, Mom, you don't call her Carly right?"

Carly and you have become close ever since back to school night last September. She comes from a wonderful family.

"No..." Stella looks optimistic as she looks in your eyes, "but I call my Uncle Chris, Uncle Chris."

Carly has two brothers, Scott and Chris and a sister, Shanna. You've never met them before. Since you've only gone out with Carly to dinner or for drinks.

Suddenly a car beeps and you're thankful it saved you from having to explain why exactly we call our Uncles along-with their name but we don't call our parents that.

It was a lesson for another time.

"I'm SO sorry, Y/n," Carly rushes past the gates and comes speed walking towards you and Stella.

"I got caught up planning a 4th party," she apologizes, "my whole family and my neighborhood is invited so, it's a lot of food, treats, and drinks."

"Oh no worries at all, I hope you guys have a good time!" You turn to head inside when Carly stops you.

"Hey, wait, why don't you come by? It'll be fun. Have you ever been to a neighborhood party?" Carly suggests while taking Stella's backpack off and putting it on her own back.

"Oh well..." you actually have plans, you and your friend Izzie who's a barista at the local Starbucks.

You guys were going swimming on the lake and making your own sandwiches to take and have a friendly picnic.

"...it will be fun Miss Y/l/n!" Stella squeals, "please come!"

"I'll see about stopping by for fireworks!" You cheer and smile at Stella who's excited at the thought of you going.

"I had some plans with Izzie," you explain to Carly.

"Being her too!" Carly is quick to say, "I gotta run, but I'll text you my address just in case you guys decide on coming!"

Fourth of July came around and Izzie called you, with the worst case of a cold you have ever seen.

And you've been sick a handful of times this year due to your kiddos touching everything in the classroom. But never like the way Izzie had it.

Poor thing, she felt bad canceling on you, she called you, and tried to speak but settled for just sending you a text.

Izzie: Can't make it today babe, Alex gave me the cold.

Alex is her boss that she's hooking up with, at Starbucks, where she works.

You: All good, feel better! Happy 4th 🇺🇸❤️

Laying on your bed, your cat comes to comfort you, well you think she was when she simply walks over you and towards the window behind your bed.

Looking how she made herself comfy on the ledge, you took the chance and looked outside, it's so beautiful out.

Carly's neighborhood party it was...but you weren't going to show up empty handed that's for sure...


"Chris, how's the meat looking?" Chris turns his head to meet his sister Carly's eyes, she was holding a covered tray of food.

Chris swallows his the beer in his mouth and opens the grill again, "delicious."

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