"I didn't fall down any stairs."

Violet nodded her head, Lily giggling to her side. She hated fighting with her sister. After all Violet loved Lily more than anything, and cannot lose her, that's why she can't get too close to Ellie and Joel, she can't have more people to protect. To fucking fail.

"Okay, so what then?"

Joel sighed again and answered,

"Someone shot at me and missed."

Ellie spoke up next, smiling while walking, as Violet fell backwards to stand next to Lily, wanting to clear the air.

"See, that's cool. You shoot back?"

As Ellie continued talking to Joel, Violet softly whispered to Lily,

"I'm sorry about Tess Lil— really.
We had no choice.
She was doomed anyway, she sacrificed her life for us, to get us out. She deserved to choose.
Just please don't be mad at me,
you know we are stronger as a team. Just me and you."

Lily stopped before nodding and wrapping her arm around her sisters waist and Violet continued walking forward as Lily whispered back,

"I get it.
I was just angry.
I just— we are different, you are used to the death, the tragedy.
You did a pretty good job at shielding me from most of it."

Violet quickly kissed her forehead before continuing forward and hearing Ellie speak before being cut off by Joel.

"You know, seeing as it's just the four of us, I was thinking I should pro..."

Quick and reactive, knowing what Ellie was asking for, like they were going to give a gun to a fourteen year old. Joel spoke tired of all the questions, wanting to get to Bill and Frank's as soon as they could.


In a silly little accent, Ellie spoke loudly, causing Violet to flinch, unsure where she was, what danger lies lurking in the corner, she had travelled yes, but not this far. She had never needed too. Always had to get back to Lily.

"Cumberland Farms."

Joel turned around and spoke ordering the group to stay put as he searched for supplies he had stashed a while ago. Ellie questioned the man again before Joel snapped over hearing Ellie's voice,

"Stashed? Why do you have stuff stashed here?"

"You ask a lot of goddamn questions."

Violet rolled her eyes before speaking to the defence of Ellie, unsure why but doing it anyways,

"She's a kid, Joel.
Who's never been outside.
Of course she's going to ask a lot of questions. But seriously kid, sometimes too much."

As Ellie rolled her eyes at Violet after the dig at the end of the abnormally nice argument, Ellie answered Joel,

"Yes, I do."

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