Night One

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I arrived in Miramar, California just outside of Fightertown. I went with my sister Carole and Nephew Bradley to see my brother-in-law Nick, who was currently enrolled in the Navy's Fighter Weapons School - also known to the pilots as Top Gun.

When we arrived Nick greeted us at the airport - I smiled when I saw him. He had a single rose for Carole and a toy airplane for Bradley. The two ran into his arms, almost immediately. Carole was ecstatic to see him, and when Bradley called out, "Daddy!" I was on the verge of tears due to cuteness overload. I waited my turn to greet my brother-in-law, at this point, I just refer to him as my brother - feels like I've known him my entire life.

"AH! Look at this beauty that graces my eyes!" Nick smiles behind his aviators and hugs me.

"Oh, you!" I laugh and smile while I exit the hug. My smile immediately faded, however, as I spotted a certain aviator waiting in the shadows, waiting for our group to make our way over to him.

Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, the conceded asshole. I knew that when I decided to tag along to take care of Bradley - so the two lovebirds can have some alone time, that I'd have to see him again. It's just hard to see him - not after... That night.

Our little family group made its way over to the naval aviator. Bradley would have run into Pete's arms if he wasn't being held by his father. He didn't know what happened - Bradley. I wouldn't ruin his image of his beloved Uncle Pete, his Uncle Mav.

Speaking of which..., "UNCLE PETE!" the little tike shouted. Pete gave his famous smirk, somehow almost making me fall for him all over again - I shook the feeling almost instantly.

Pete continued his smirk as he tickled Bradley in his father's arms, "Hey little Tike! I've missed you!" Bradley squirmed until Pete stopped. He then kissed Carole on the cheek. Once he got to me he just nodded, "Good to see you again, Hal."

I took a deep breath, and pulled my best smile, "You too Pete..."

Nick quickly interjected to break up the meeting, "alright you three, there is a little diner inside if you'd like to get some food, then we will move you into the house."

I looked at Nick, "Uhm... house? I thought Carole said we were staying in an apartment?"

Nick and Carole then looked at me and smiled, "Well we know your babysitting business was dying in the old community. This place desperately needs one with all the couples coming in and out - especially the ones on the base. Not to mention this is the fighter town, and I am a RIO. So, we bought a house, big enough for you to run your business out of..." Nick showed a cheeky smile at me. I told him only last week I had to shut down my business. You see this is why Nick is my brother, he remembers the smallest details about me. He knew when he married Carole that I was along for the ride - we were a package deal. He knew I was important to Carole, I'm not just his wife's sister - I am his sister.

I wiped a silent tear from my face and gave my brother another hug, "Thanks Nick, best brother ever!"

He leaned down and whispered to me, "I know you've been through the wringer Sis, don't let him get to you - this will be great! Remember to play nice," he now spoke to everyone, "alright, enough of this let's get some FOOD!" Bradley clapped his hands as we made our way to a booth inside.

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