What You Want

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What You Want

Bakugo doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do. If he says it, he means it. No exceptions.

Nsfw, hypnosis/mind break, dubcon, milking, copious amounts of cum, little bit of cock torture


He woke up to darkness slumped over what felt like some giant cushion thing. A quick assessment later, he discovered he was both naked, & his dick was actually inside the cushion he was flush against. Not knowing what the cushion was made of & not wanting to accidentally harm himself, Bakugo slowly & carefully tried to pull out.

Immediately two things happened:
A giant screen flickered to life in front of him, blinding him a moment as his eyes adjusted to the light before it dimmed down to an off color black,
A sharp pain as if tiny spikes were digging in around his dick hit him & forced him to immediately slide back in where he was, the shock & pain keeping him from feeling much else in the moment.

A man's voice, calm, deep, soothing, & almost...familiar spoke to him almost as if the person was right behind him (though a quick head turn revealed nothing but an empty room). 'Good morning, Katsuki. Did you rest well?' Each word spoken was accompanied with a random color spark on the screen, each one gentle with their light, spaced out all over, before gently swallowing down to the center, the off black shade shifting to a cool midnight blue with almost wave like textures in the far back.

But he wasn't soothed by the waves or colors. Definitely not by the voice he couldn't quite place either. In fact, he was quite pissed off.

"Who the fuck are you? Where the fuck am I, why the fuck am I here, and why the fuck am I naked with my dick in this thing?" He demanded, hands up & sparking with threat.

'Those are very good questions.' The voice didn't shift from it's gentle, calm tone. Not at all agitated or intimidated by Bakugo's display. 'However you already know the answers...' Slowly the screen shifted from the sparkling colors to a colored nebulous tunnel. Each rippling wave flowing out of the screen, surrounding him, & drawing Bakugo's eyes to the center.

Blinking his eyes against the changing flow, Bakugo felt his anger slip more into confusion, "I do? No I fucking don't! If I knew, I wouldn't ask!" Suddenly he realized he had relaxed his defensive posture & quickly tried to tense back up only to discover it took more effort to do so. His anger started to return in response to his slip up but the screen flashed again, interrupting his thoughts in surprise as his eyes returned to watching the center of the display.

'Of course you wouldn't...you never say anything you don't mean... you never do anything you don't want to do...'

Confusion started to replace the anger once more. His instincts told him there's a trick happening here but the words weren't wrong. He didn't say anything he didn't mean. He didn't do anything he didn't want to. So if the voice wasn't wrong, he should agree...shouldn't he?

"Yeah, that's right."

Instantly he felt a suction around his dick along with thousands of tiny wiggling bumps start to gently massage all around him from base to tip. The sudden shock of pleasure caused him to grab onto the top of the giant cushion & buck his hips, the quick motion completely involuntary but the resulting increase in sensation made him briefly consider doing it again...but...he shouldn't. Right? He's not supposed to be enjoying himself right now! He was brought here against his will! He needs to-

Another flash interrupted his thoughts as the voice drifted around him. 'Why did you stop?'

"I...shouldn't...I need to-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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