Head in hands- 'is this a moment to rejoice? Being able to sleep in the same room of my long-time crush? No, of course it isn't! He clearly doesn't see me as anything but as a friend- a sister maybe even? God no that would be even worse- friends, please Obanai see me as a friend'

I mentally cry to myself as I finally regain control of my poor legs and walk to his closet.

'It smells like him' my mind wonders but I quickly shot that thought down feeling uneasy of the fact that I know how he smells.

Sighing, I take some of his clothes and lay them on the futon as I undress and put on his sleepwear.

It's not too large on me, his physique has never been far off from mine, even when kids we two shared clothes often when sleeping at Kyo's house. Between the three of us, Kyo was the one that grew the fastest and he also gained muscle much easier than me and Obanai.

My reminiscing of older and questionably better times gets interrupted as Obanai knocks on the door.

"Are you done yet?"

"Yeah, come in" I said- my voice trembled a little, turning my head towards the door.

He opens the door with Kaburamaru in his hands and without his mask.

My eyes widen from surprise- seeing Obanai not wearing it was rare after all.

Before he can notice my surprised gaze, I turn my head and stare at the futon- I don't want to make him feel any more vulnerable than he probably already is.

Obanai closes the door and sits on his own futon, placing his little friend on the floor, whomst slithers away to his own little abode in the corner of the room.

"I'll turn the lights off" I said quietly and he simply nodded and got under his own sheets.

With the click of the lights, the room gets darker, but thanks to my training as a demon slayer, seeing in the dark isn't all that hard. I walk slowly over to the futon he placed for me, adjacent to his own, and put the covers over me.

"Goodnight" I whispered, unsure of whether he's still awake or not.


'He must be sleeping'

I shuffled to a more comfortable position, closing my eyes. The tension in my muscles finally left my body as I tried to drift to sle- "Y/N".

He whispered my name so softly- so quietly I almost ignored it thinking it was part of a dream , regardless I swiftly got out on my trance and managed to mumble a 'hm?' in response .

"Thank you" Obanai meekly whispered.

"...I'll...always be here for you" you whispered back.

The birds were chirping by the time I woke up yet Obanai was still in his bed, with him normally being an early bird I can't help but to be surprised. He was sleeping on his back, his chest rising and falling as he was still in a deep slumber.

I sat on the futon for what felt like hours admiring his sleeping face, the black strands of his silky smooth (poorly cut too) hair covering his face half-hazardly.

Gathering myself, I finally got up and put the futon back as my childhood friend continued to sleep.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I noticed Kaburamaru already munching on something, he looked so cute yet my heavy footsteps stirred him, however, he didn't seem to mind as he joyfully slithered closer to me.

I promptly bent down and helped him up my neck with a smile on my face. "Hey Kaburamaru, good morning. '' I said, patting his little head with my finger as he wrapped himself around me.

I prepared breakfast by starting to steam some rice and frying some eggs for both me and Obanai.

As the smell of my cooking wafts through the kitchen, Obanai comes inside, still a little groggy and still in his sleepwear.

"Morning" I cheered "I'm making breakfast for the both of us, just sit down"

He complied and sat down but his words said otherwise "You didn't have to cook for me I don't usually eat breakfast".

I plate the steamed rice and his egg and serve it to him on the table dismissing the comment he just made "Yeah yeah whatever you say Obanai.."

Sitting next to him, I started to eat my own food, breaking the yolk over the rice mixing it thoroughly, whilst he kept staring at his bowl with a stoic face.

What he didn't know is that his flushed ears were giving away what he was actually feeling- he's quite embarrassed.

"What happened yesterday...," he started cautiously, furrowing his eyebrows, "was a lapse of judgement- a moment of weakness".

His tone was irritated, but not at me, rather- it was at himself.

Hesitant on how to reply- I just nodded, putting the food in my mouth as an excuse to not speak,  yet his words sting a little . They almost feel like a warning.

"We have another meeting with Kyojuro and Kanroji today, let's make haste" he reminded me finally touching his food.


yooooo you guys didnt have to wait 2 years for this update LMAO

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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