insecure •4•

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There I stood in front of the Iguro residence.

From the outside it's rather plain-looking and traditional- Obanai has always loved a minimalistic style that's easy to keep. The same could be said for the inside.

However, at the back there's a beautiful garden that he has maintained all of these years for Kaburamaru (and himself but he'll never admit that). The dainty pond in the middle of the garden never fails to make me reminisce about the times when Kyo, Obanai and I gave baths to our little albino friend.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I knock on the door.

"Obanai? It's me" I say loud enough for him to hear, but not so loud as to disturb any neighbours in the vicinity.

Not long after, the sliding door opened, revealing the black haired man himself in his what I can assume sleeping gown, his eyes puffy and red.

With genuine confusion he asks "And what exactly brings you to my house this late?".

I bring the bag containing the albino snake's food up to his face, forcing a smile.

"Food for your beloved son on his free day!"

He scoffs and starts pushing me out to no avail as I place my free hand over the sliding door, putting my whole body weight on it, making him unable to close it.

"Wow your house is super clean despite it being a birthday of some sorts isn't it?" I say sarcastically with a strained voice, using all my energy to prevent him to keep him from shutting me out.

He facepalms himself, admitting defeat with an audible sigh and half-heartedly welcomes me in as me murmurs how annoying and stubborn I am.

The sudden release of the door almost makes me topple over, awarding me a glance from Obanai as he's walking away yet I smile and inch closer, letting myself in.

'I can't make him worry about me'

"I'll be gone soon, I promise." I whispered, but it was enough for him to hear.

Uncomfortable silence envelops us yet neither dare break it, the creaks of our footsteps on the wooden floor only make it more unbearable. Perhaps, between us, I'm the only one feeling uneasy knowing his damning secret and my own.

As we reach closer to his garden, the moonlit night paints everything with a hue of blue. Kaburamaru's smooth white scales shone like pearls as he peacefully slithered around the grass near the water. Being his sacred safe place, he always has been comfortable enough to be out of Obanai's neck here.

The small pond reflects the full moon with no ripples to disturb its visage, a view so stunning yet all I can see is the illumination of Obanai's glossy eyes as he stood next to me looking directly at the moon.

Lowering myself, I sit on the edge of the floor, my feet dangling off. I place the bag full of goodies next to me, making Kaburamaru perk up from the rustling of it.

The pillar followed suit, sitting right next to me cross-legged.

Kaburamaru nestled himself between us.

Obanai gently stroked his little head with the back of his hand, the other rested on his chin. I quickly took some of the food I bought earlier out of the bag and placed it on the floor next to the snake.

The soft nibbling from Kaburamaru and the zephyr rustling the leaves made the silence finally enjoyable after a whole day of stressing out.

I glance at the man next to me.

If it were any other day my gaze would've been a shy one- one waiting to confess, one unable to contain their feelings no longer- feelings that could burst out at any moment. My cheeks would've darkened at the romantic scene we were caught in between. Just the two of us under a starlit night. My younger self would've been exhilarated. 

Nevertheless, fate had other plans in mind and, today was not that day.

"Obanai" I break the silence.

His eyes shone like jewels as the light embraced his heterochromia. With a soft half-lidded gaze fixed at his old friend, he whispers me a small 'Yes?'. 

'Today is not that day' I remind myself as I stare at him with uncertainty. My thoughts waver- my heart rate accelerating.

'Take a deep breath and-'

"Your eyes are red"


Its been two years guys omg... im so sorry.

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