insecure •5•

712 21 19

"Your eyes are red" I murmured.

It came out as a hush. 

My own voice failed me, yet in spite of this all of Obanai's movements came to a sudden halt as if he were frozen in time because of those four words. The colour drained from his face and his eyes widened at my whisper.

He refused to make eye contact as he took a shaky breath. Obanai wearily mumbled my name.

"Obanai" I mumbled his name back, my trembling hand slowly reaching out for his back.

"I-" the hashira started but the delicate caressing of his back with my hands stopped him, his words getting stuck on his throat.

The silence was broken by Obanai's quiet sniffles as I continued to pat him, my eyes glued on his broken frame, his eyes locked on the ground.

I inched closer to him contemplating.

Should I hug him?

The question left me pondering as my gaze softened seeing Obanai finally cry.

Using all the courage I had in me I wrapped my hand, previously on his back, on his shoulder and brought him closer to me. I trapped him with my other hand in a warm embrace as I rested my face on his shoulder.

Obanai made no effort to break the hug off.

Instead, he relaxed his head on my shoulder too, and tightened the hug with an arm. I could feel his teardrops wetting my shirt.

Kaburamaru too, wrapped himself around us making the both of us chuckle despite how serious the moment was.

Nevertheless, Obanai broke the hug soon after. Moments like this never last long with him, even when the two of us were younger. He's always been a little shy when it came to touching others.

He averts his eyes as he gets up from the floor and whispers 'I'll bring out a futon' as he opens a wardrobe.

His small comment made my heart flutter even though it shouldn't have. Of course he wouldn't make me walk alone in the night like this even if I don't live far off. He's always been considerate of others, of me...

...Of Mitsuri.

I can't help but to blush and mumble out a 'thank you' to him as you stare at him taking the futon.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, he finally looked at me, albeit his cheeks seemed a little flushed, or at least I hoped so.

"Aren't you going to follow me?" he says, the spare futon wrapped around his arms.

'Snarky as ever' I mumble, "Yes yes i'll come" you reply playfully as you get up and follow him out of the room and walk to his.

To his?

To his room?

He slides the door to his room open with one hand.

I stopped dead in my tracks in front of his door as I realise he's putting the futon next to his own. Granted he does have a small house compared to the others, surely I don't need to sleep in his room??

My mind races as I try my hardest to maintain an impassive face.

He pats the futon one final time and looks back up at me "There's... some spare change of clothes in the closet" he breaks the silence , choosing his words carefully. He stands back up and walks towards me "you can change I'll leave the room" he continues and takes some change of clothes for himself.

I can only simply nod and look at the floor as he closes the door and leaves.

Falling on the floor with a quiet thud, my legs finally give out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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