Chapter 9: So Tired

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Closing the door behind me, I can't help but slump down on the ground. I just got off from work and I feel more drained than usual. My cane falls to the side, laying against the thin walls as the sound of footsteps approaches me.

"(y/n)? You're back already?" Lucy asks as she holds what appears to be a cup of coffee. Who drinks coffee at night?

"Yeah...Hello Lucy..."

"You look like shit. Did you get yelled at again?" Lucy asks. I shake my head as I struggle to get back up again. Lucy takes a sip of her coffee, looking quite relaxed at the moment.  "...So... we're gonna hang out today or...?"

Truthfully, I had forgotten about that promise. Although I am exhausted, it would be rude to cancel after agreeing to hang out. "Yeah, what did you want to do today? Wanna watch some tv?" 

Lucy scrunches up her face. "...Sure, but let's not watch the news. Got any good movies? Maybe something like...I don't know, drama?" 

"Let me check what I got," I say as I make my way toward the living room. I open the cabinet underneath it and start to rummage through the DVDs. "...Um..." I look at all the Disney movies, which look cartoony and have limited colors. Is this world color blind, or am I? "...What do you feel about Disney?"

"Which ones?" Lucy asks as she sits down on the couch, making herself comfortable.

"Well..." I begin to show the few movies I do have. Many are classics like Sleeping Beauty or Mulan. Lucy points at one of the movies and I plop it into the DVD player.

I slump onto the couch, heaving a sigh of relief. I feel something tap my face, so I turn to look and see Lucy holding a chocolate bar.

"You look like you need some sugar," Lucy says as she smiles. Her baggy eyes are somewhat hidden by her makeup. Perhaps she did not sleep last night. If so, why is she staying up?

"Thanks," I say as I bite the chocolate. "...Did you sleep last night?"

Lucy nods her head tiredly. "...I did."

"Then why do you look so tired?"

Lucy sighs and mumbles it's nothing. She points to the tv and says shush, the movie is playing. Why did she change the subject?

As the movie plays, I watch as Lucy slowly begins to fall asleep. Despite drinking her coffee, she can't seem to stay awake. I stay silent as she nods off, slumping onto the couch. I sigh and smile a bit.

Getting up, I go to Lucy's room to grab a blanket for her. When I enter her room, the smell is just...well...I smelled worse... As I grab the blanket, I pause when I see her window is open.

I debate about closing it since the smell needs to dissipate more, but knowing that Peter may try to sneak in, I decide to just close it.

I make my way back to Lucy who is now completely asleep. Placing the blanket over her, I turn off the tv. I rub my eyes tiredly, feeling exhausted. Making my way to my room, I just slump onto my bed, forgetting about my cane left in the living room.

As I lay there in silence, my mind wanders to what I should do now. How can I stop Peter from having an interest in me and shift it onto that individual? Love is a very fickle thing, it's so random that no one can predict it. Which makes Peter even more dangerous.

Being so exhausted, I decide to let that be my tomorrow self's problem.


It's quite easy to unlock a window with the right tools. Just as it's, even more, easier to sneak into someone's house and leave behind no evidence of the crime. Whether locking or leaving it open, Peter will find a way to see his beloved.

He had seen that little hangout you and Lucy had just now. Just as he's always done. Why do you give attention to her but not him? What makes you feel so uncomfortable around him? What makes you think he's worse than this Druggy? This vile person?

As he stands there looking down at Lucy who sleeps on the couch, he holds with him a bloody knife. He could kill her right now, one less competitor to deal with. But he's smart not to do it here. The police would suspect his beloved, and he doesn't want that to happen. He doesn't want to trouble you.

So, Peter places his knife back into his pocket. Making sure not a drop of blood spills. He walks towards your bedroom to look at you. He can wait. Waiting is what he's good at.

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