Chapter 8: If only...

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"Hey, time to wake up." 

"Hmm...five more minutes..." I mumble sleepily. 

"If you don't get up soon, you're going to be late."

Reluctantly, I open my eyes. My sights fall upon Lucy who looks somewhat tired. Did she not get enough sleep last night? Or did she take too many drugs yesterday? I did remember smelling a ton of it when I first opened the door. I hope she took a shower at least...

"Morning sleepy head," Lucy says, smiling tiredly. 

"Is something wrong Lucy? You look like you've seen a ghost." I jokingly state as I uncurl myself from my burrito. 

"...I just felt like waking you up today. I was already awake so..." Lucy seemed nervous when I joked about that ghost part. Did something happen last night? Maybe she's having withdrawal symptoms.

"Thanks, Lucy." was all I said before stretching to get ready. A quick cold shower should wake me up. Sometimes I wish I could sleep in and not worry about work. 

"Um...maybe after work, do you want to...hang out sometime? I know that Tk comes over sometimes, but you and I haven't hung out together." Lucy asks as she walks out of the room.

"..." There is a reason I don't want to hang out with her, it's cause she smells. That and I don't want anything happening since I do hear her bring over people for sessions. I don't even know what interests we have in common. Maybe I should give her a chance. If she tries anything, all I have to say is that I don't swing that way.

I make my way to the restroom where the stench of drugs is most potent. I sneeze as I scratch my head. Well...It should clear out by the afternoon...right?


"See you later Lucy." 

Closing the door behind me, I sigh a bit. I agreed in hanging out later today. Guess I'll worry about how to make that individual from Tk's workplace become Peter's interest later. 

"Morning (y/n)."

I look up to see Don staring. I shakenly greet him back. "M-morning to you too Don! What's up?"

"I'm walking door to door reminding people it's almost time to pay rent." 

My heart drops for a split second. I forgot about that! Do I even have enough to pay for the month? I sent most of the money to the hospital in the hopes of paying it off soon. I'll need to save up fast!

"I-I see...I'll make sure to have it by the end of the week."

"Sure, I'll tell Lucy about it as well. You're on your way to work right? I shouldn't keep you held up any longer."

"Right! Good day." 


"This person orders almost every day. What are they even ordering? Toys?" I question as I watch the newbie place down the boxes at the mansion again. This place was a long drive. Takes almost the entire day to get there and back.

"I don't know, I'm not rich." The newbie says as he enters the car.

I glance back at the mansion, still amazed by it. Despite the limited color scheme, it still looks grand to me. Makes me pout, if only I was rich...I could have paid off my medical bills already...That and maybe get a restraining order on Peter...or have better safety precautions in place.

"So...when do I start driving?" The newbie asks. 

For the entirety of me having to show him around the workplace, I only allowed him to drive the car once...And once was enough for me to realize this kid has bad directional sense. How did he even get this job?

I nervously tighten my hands on the steering wheel.'s not like a ton of people drive this way...It should be fine...right?

"Okay newbie, you're taking the wheel. Get over here." I hop off the car and walk to the passenger's side. My cane still annoys me. When I get back in the car, I can see the kid grinning like a goofball. So excited. 

"Great! I promise I won't mess up like last time!" The newbie promises.

"Sure," was all I could say as I nervously twitch in my seat. These cars don't have seatbelts. The Boss wanted to cut some expenses. 

"I have a name you know, why do you keep calling me a newbie?" The newbie asks. 

I look towards him as he adjusts his seat. "...When you start doing your job correctly kid."

We drive off. I look once more back at the mansion. Just in time to see someone step outside the house. They look familiar...but we were already too far to see clearly. Although I felt a chill go down my spine.


"Aaaaaand that's the last of it! Looks like we're done for the day!" The newbie says as he walks back into the car. I just sit there, holding my chest and breathing heavily. "Awww, calm down (y/n)! My driving wasn't that bad."

"Kid, you're going to be the death of me. I'm driving next time." 


Throughout this long drive, I regretted letting the newbie take the wheel. The kid almost made us drive on the wrong lane, forgot to stop at a red light, and kept speeding. I'm just glad we weren't stopped by the police or hit someone.

I fumble out of the car, just needing to catch a break. I slump onto the floor, relieved to be out of there. I shouldn't have gone to work today...


"(y/n)..." While sitting inside his room, staring at his monitor which is connected to a camera embedded in the car, Peter crushes the rose in his hand. The thorns from it puncture his hand, causing it to bleed. That kid...

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