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Felix was lying on the couch in his living room and scrolling on his phone while his boredom almost devoured him.

Seriously what is someone supposed to do on a free day? When had been the last time Felix even thought about what he would like to do in his free time? He can't remember. 

So he just did nothing. 


Now he can't sleep because of all the energy in his body that he hadn't used in the day.

Dangling his legs from the armrest he watched the ceiling until he was deep in thought about their group, their achievements and their recent comeback. It had already been years since their debut but it still feels like yesterday.

A loud incoherent knocking at the door abruptly snapped him out of his thoughts making him flinch. 

What. The. hell

Who would make such sounds at fucking 4 in the morning? Puzzled he rushed to the door to open it only a little bit to see who was bothering him so early.




An absolute dishevelled-looking Hyunjin, breathing rapidly as if he had just run a marathon, stood in front of his door, eyes slowly wandering to his as if he had no idea where he was.

„Hyunjin?" Felix was dumbfounded.

„Felix" he heaved, almost moaning while his body seemed to shut off as he had to be caught by Felix.

Still standing at the front door Hyunjin buried his face in Felix's neck mumbling nonsense, finally feeling more at ease. 

„What happened?" Felix whispered into Hyunjins ear not wanting to stress because of the heavy panting and pained noises escaping his mouth. „nhgg.. ah fuck.. I'm not sure- I just feel so... hot"

The last part of the explanation linked with a particularly intense whimper, making Felix blush because of the sounds that the older kept making, right next to his ear while still being buried in his neck. 

Wait no, it absolutely didn't fluster him but only made his worries grow, of course.

Concerned but still blushing, he took Hyunjins hand and led him into the house and the living room, placing him on the couch after Hyunjin seemed to not be able to walk anywhere by himself.

„Now tell me, what happened, hyunnie?" Felix questioned after Hyunjin's wobbling made him forget his awkwardness and only allowed room for concern about his friend.

„I don't remember... honestly.. It's- I went out with Jisung and uhh Minho" Hyunjin put together while he had to pause several times to calm down his pounding heart so that oxygen could get into his burning lungs.

Still clutching onto Felix's hands, Hyunjins let his head fall back again to expose as much air as possible to his heating body.

Swept along by Hyunjin's movement, Felix was pulled closer to Hyunjin so that he briefly lost his balance and was now pressed much closer to the panting mess below him than before.

„Hey hey.. look at me!" Felix took Hyunjins jaw in his hand so that he would be forced to look him in the eyes.

Wanting to say something, Felix opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out when he saw the sight that greeted him when he finally made eye contact with Hyunjn. 

In the middle of the night - hyunlix smutWhere stories live. Discover now