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Name: Fenrir
Servant Class: Berserker of White
Gender: Female
Height: 4.2
Source: Norse Mythology
Alignment: Chaotic, Evil

A child of Loki in the shape of a wolf. She is destined to bring forth Ragnarok and ki
A child of Loki in the shape of a wolf. She is destined to bring forth Ragnarok and kill Odin, the Norse Head God. To restrain her bond the gods her with the paradoxial chain Gleipnir. In truth dosen't she want to bring the end of the world, and is more like a loyal puppy to her master.
Strength: A+ (EX)
Agility: B+ (EX)
Endurance: A+ (EX)
Mana: C
Luck: E-
Noble Phantasm: B

Class skills.

Mad Enchantment: D~EX
Fenri receives a boost to her physical stats in the form of + modifiers, and she is still able to talk, but it is very limited and mostly let out barks and growls to express herself. However when Gleipnir is broken will the Mad Enchantment rise in rank, taking away more and more of her rational thought and makes her more a wild animal that strikes out at anything. In the end will even Command Spells have a hard time controlling her.


Animal Dialogue: A
As Fenrir is an animal herself can she communicate with other animals without any trouble. But this makes her easy to be distracted by animals as she wants to know what they are talking about.

God Slayer: A+
Being destined to kill Odin has she gained this skill. Whenever she attacks a Servant with the Divinity skill will she do extra damage. If they have C or higher ranked Divinity will her physical attacks be granted a + modifier.

Dread Visage: A++
Ability to inspire fear in others through one's form. At this rank, all but the bravest of warriors are likely to run screaming from Fenrir upon witnessing her in battle.

Cry Of The Wolf: A++
Fenrir is able to emit a powerful sonic blast from her mouth in the form of a 'bark'. At this rank, said 'bark' can shatter glass at a range of several miles, pulverize wood at close distance and send humans flying.

Noble Phantasm

Gleipnir: B
Anti-Unit (Self), Anti-Monster
The chains that was used to keep Fenrir in check and bind her, the only thing in existence that could control her. These slender silver chains are wrapped around Fenrir's body, encircling her arms, throat and legs. Trailing behind her wherever she goes, they are not terribly effective for hampering her movements. But their true power is in 'sealing the power of the beast', preventing her from tapping into her true monstrous potential. They suppress her existence as a Monstrous Spirit, essentially bringing her down partially into the realm of humanity, which is the reason why she can be summoned as a Heroic Spirit in the first place. She can use these chains offensively by using the parts that trail after her as whips and are especially effective against beasts and monsters. The chains are extremely durable, only Noble phantasms ranked A++ or higher being capable of breaking them.

Ragnarokr Fenriswolf: EX
A Noble phantasm representing Fenrir breaking free from Gleipnir, starting the end of the World: Ragnarok. Usually hidden from her master by Gleipnir, will it start showing if the chains are getting weak. But if the chains are broken will the Noble phantasm try activating itself, causing a rise in Mad Enchantment until it's impossible to fight against it. Her human form is abandoned and becomes instead a black furred wolf that is constantly getting bigger, until her jaws can touch both the Sky and the Earth at the same time. The sky will darken, the earth will undergo violent tremors, mountains and trees in the vicinity will be uprooted, all from the sheer force of Fenrir's presence. Her physical stats are no longer able to be measured in this form, all of them now being ranked EX. Binding her is possible if somebody can find something equivalent in binding power to Gleipnir.

 Binding her is possible if somebody can find something equivalent in binding power to Gleipnir

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Published: 2/25/23

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