Chapter 7

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"How far are we?" Ygritte asked as we walked along the uneven ground.

"About a week I think," Jon says.

"You think? You don't know?"

"When we went to Castle Black we took the Kingsroad," I tell her.

She scoffs," you and your roads. Is that how you lot do your fighting? You march down the road banging drums and waving banners?"

"Most of the time, yes," I say, sitting down on the rock next to Jon.

"How do the men holding the banners fight?"

"They don't, really," Jon says," it's a great honor to carry your house sigil."

"And the dummers, is that a great honor too?"

"Usually it's the young boys banging the drums."

"So what good are they?" She asks.

"They help the men march."


"Well, it's the rhythm."

She stood up with a grin and stomped around," what you mean left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot? You need help remembering that? When Mance gives the signal and we hit Castle Black, we won't be banging on drums to let them know we're coming."

"No. No, you're just gonna light the biggest fire the North has ever seen to let them know you're coming," I say, standing up.

"You crows know nothing," she says before walking away.

"She's right, you don't," I hear a man say, I look back to see Orell standing behind us.

"I know you cut me loose on the Wall," I say.

"Cut him loose, too. Stop sulking about it. You two don't understand the way things are," he says.

I step forward," and are you gonna share it with us? The deep wisdom you found inside the head of a bird?"

"People work together when it suits them. They're loyal when it suits them. They love eachother when it suits them, and they kill eachother when it suits them."

"I think it'd suit me to kill you right now then," I say.

"Kill me and Tormund rips your throat out of your neck," he says before roughly pushing past me.

I stare at him for a moment before I start walking again.


"Most men fuck like dogs," Tormund said before giving an example with a pack of furs," no grace, no skill. A few dozen thrusts and done. You need to be patient, give her time. Your cock shouldn't go near her till she's slick as a baby seal.

I snickered at the surprise and shock on Jon's face at Tormund's words. He shot me a look which only made me start to laugh.

"And then," Tormund continues," you go inside, but slowly. Don't jam it in like you're spearing a pig," he laughs and hits Jon on the back," come on!"

After a few minutes I'd fell back right behind Jon and Tormund talking to Ygritte when Orell came up," you think they wanna be your friends?" He asks Ygritte.

"What did they tell you? They tell you they'd make you a lady and you could go live in some castle?" He continues.

"They didn't tell me anything," she says, looking at me and rolling her eyes.

"I seen you two whispering in the night, giggling like a pair of girls," he says.

"What, you're jealous?" I ask him.

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