Chapter 5

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Loved Jon and Ygritte but like this isn't for their lil thang so Ygritte can still be bae asf but ship Jon and Ceci 🤟

We find the small group of wildlings sitting around the fire warming their hands and chatting from time to time.

"Mormont," I hear Qhorin whisper in my ear so quiet I barely hear him," you said you're quick and quiet. See that wildling over there? Slit his throat so the rest of us can get a better angle for the ambush."

I nod, creeping past the Halfhand, slowly unsheathing my dagger. I moved behind the man and quickly stood up, putting my hand over his mouth and nose and running the edge over his jugular with a swift motion. I laid the barely living man behind the rocks, making sure his body wouldn't make a sound as it hit the soft snow.

The men moved into their positions. Jon moved next to me and we waited for the Halfhand to give us instruction. He waited until they were most of guard and then gave the signal. We jumped over the rocks and drove our swords through most of the men before they could react. The ones who did get to their feet didn't last long. At the end there was only a girl with auburn hair left and Jon had her at the point of his sword.

"A girl," Jon said.

"Aye?" I say, giving him a look.

"A wildling," Qhorin says.

"We could question her," the girl's breath was heavy with fear and adrenaline as he spoke.

The Halfhand chuckled," you could. She won't answer. I've known a wildling to bite off it's tongue instead of talking."

"What your name?" Jon asked the girl.

"Ygritte," she answered.

"She was reaching for this axe when you got to her. You give her the chance and she'll bury it in your face," Qhorin said, tossing the axe on the ground further away.

"I gave you my name," she said.

"Jon Snow," he told her, letting go and stepping away.

I smirked and stepped infront of her, pulling her to her feet by the collar of her furs," and I'm your new favorite person."

"You ought to burn them. You killed," she told us.

"It'd take a big fire for that. Tell me, Ygritte, why do you want us to build a big fire?" Qhorin asked the girl," some old friends in the area?"

"Burn them, they turn if not," is all she says.

"This boy here has already killed one dead man, he'll do it again if he has to. What waits beyond the pass?"

"The free folk."

"How many?" The old man demands.

She scoffs," hundreds and thousands, more than you'veever seen crow."

"Why come to the mountains? What's in the Frost Fangs that your king could want?"

The girl just stared at Jon.

"Do you mean to march on the wall?" I ask.

Qhorin stepped foreward and kneeled, putting his hand against her cheek," do you know who I am girl?"

"Qhorin Halfhand," she answered.

"Tell me true, if your people captured me, would they take me prisoner?" He questioned.

"They'd take your head off your shoulders if they was feeling kind. If not they'd kill you slow," she told him.

He sighed and stood up," got no food for her, can't spare a man to watch her, can't let her go she'll bring Mance Rayder's army down on us. Needs to be done, we'll need to do it," he said unsheathing his sword.

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