. Chapter Four : Realization .

Start from the beginning

Laizard's glare was piercing into the Wubboxes the more they hid their conversation from her. She had no idea who or what they were possibly talking about now, and it scared her. What if they were talking about her in a negative light? What if they were talking about where she came from? What if they knew more about her than she knew about herself?! What are these robots even capable of?!?!

The more her mind panicked, the more she returns to her recent trauma. She was now worried about her past, present, and even future events. That's when this thought had finally hit her:

Her child is dead. Dead. And Remnac was the murderer. Her own brother! That is it. Laizard will not rest, until she has Remnac punished, harmed, suffering- hell! Perhaps even dead! Anything to make him feel the exact same pain that her child felt when his sharp teeth pierced into her spine.

I'm going to kill Remnac one day. I will make him pay!

These thoughts were interrupted however, as Laizard caught the eyes of Aspen, Volare, and Parlsona all looking at her. She didn't even notice until she stopped that her entire body was shivering, which was probably what caught their attention due to her jewelry making jingling noises as her body was shaking.

Aspen and Volare just stared, but Parlsona was genuinely concerned for the Kraigon.

"Laizard? Are you sure you're alright?" She asked the purple monster again.

Laizard rapidly shook her head to erase the thoughts from her mind as she then responded to Parlsona,

"Yes. Positive. I'm just thinking about old memories."

"...If you say so." Parlsona said, not sounding entirely convinced. "Would a donut clear your mind off of things?"

Laizard moved her pupils to stare at a glazed donut that Parlsona slid over to the Kraigon. Her stomach growled with desire as she eventually took it.

"Thank you." Laizard forced a smile.

"Mhm!" Parlsona gave Laizard a kind look as she continued eating her own donuts.

Laizard stared at the glazed donut that she was holding. Her claws pierced into the bread, and she took a tiny bite. It tasted great! Laizard hadn't eaten in almost a day, for she was so occupied from her trauma, that she forgot to even take care of herself. But now, it was Laizard's responsibility to at least try to recollect herself... if she can. A donut, or any sweet in particular, wasn't exactly accurate for Laizard's, or any Kraigon's diet. But she's so desperate for food, she'll eat anything at this current point.

It seems like Laizard will never ever be safe from the horrific thoughts of her poor baby's dead corpse with a huge bite mark on the back of their neck-

No! Stop thinking about it! Just eat. The. God damn. Donut.

Laizard took a deep breath as she forced her mind to think about something else. A mental image of herself flying into the clouds again made her feel slightly better, knowing that she'll be able to do that again as soon as her wings are better. But that was weeks away... her wings were broken, and broken bones don't just heal overnight.

Something positive. Think of something... positive.

It felt nearly impossible to even control her own mindset. She just hoped that something could make her laugh for a change just like how Volare's oddly goofy persona when he tried talking to her actually made a giggle escape out of her mouth.

Laizard felt like she had lost her appetite, but she knew that if she doesn't eat now, she'll feel like absolute crap until she has her next meal, so she just mauled down the donut like how a snake would swallow its prey whole.

The three looked at her again as she swallowed a half-eaten donut like it was a noodle.

Laizard curls her lips back as she bared her fangs when she stared longingly at the table out of embarrassment. She could just sense the anxiety coming from the other monsters at the table with her so she hid her fangs back into her mouth to look less threatening.

Once everyone had finished eating, Laizard sat under a tree while Parlsona was having fun with fellow monsters such as a Cybop, Trox, and a Tweedle. The Werdo was singing with them, as it brought a faint smile on Laizard's face.

She then looked over to the left, where Volare and Aspen were sitting crisscross on an open space, with the sun shining on them. The two Wubboxes were having a long conversation about their day as Laizard had a low growl vibrating in her throat. But she couldn't deny the fact that she always gets nervous whenever those things are around; they were still dangerous monsters after all and capable of causing severe harm.

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