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"Abhimanyu this is not the way to our home. I think we're on the wrong route"

Akshara looked at Abhimanyu as he's driving at the wrong route.

"No. We are not."

Abhimanyu said confidently fully knowing he's on the right route.

"No abhi.. this is not....."

Akshara paused at the middle as abhimanyu stopped the car in front of a huge bungalow.

Abhimanyu stopped the car and looked at Akshara.

"Shall we ???" - He asked forwarding his hand to reach out to her hand.

Akshara got confused by his acts and don't know how to react Or what to say.

She forwarded her arms towards abhimanyu as he's told and he kissed on the back of her palms.

"Abhi.." She whispered with a smile.

He looked up and got out of the car and then went to her side to open the door for her.

"Let's go"

He said forwarding his arm indicating her to get down.

She did as she was told and placed her arm on him and got down from the car.

He told her hand by one of his hand and hold her shoulder by another hand to give her support for walking.

"You're okay?? You'll be able to walk??"

He asked with a deep concern in his face.

"Yes I can."

She said and assured him again with a bright smile on her face.

"Let's go"

She said and looked at the front.

"This house is so beautiful abhi. Whose house is this?? You never told me about this one. Who lives here??"

Akshara asked and still Abhimanyu can see many question are there in her mind which is visible on her face.

"You'll get to know in a moment ma'am."

He said with a wink.



He said and they started moving towards the main door of the house.

They settled themselves at the front door and rang the bell.


Abhimanyu said smacking his head by his hand.


Akshara asked worriedly as everything was fine by now but the way Abhimanyu reacted suddenly, it made her concerned.

"Akshara. I've to make an important call. Already I've missed it. If I don't do it now. It'll be loss. Just 5minutes okay?? You wait here. Psl"

Abhimanyu said with a worried look in his face.


Akshara couldn't even finish her sentence when Abhimanyu left.

"Aise achanak..... "

Akshara started thinking and a sad look appeared on her face.

"Abhi jana tha ise.  Now what would I do standi...."

Her sentence couldn't get completed and her mouth left open when she saw the sight in front of her eyes.

Her eyes got widened as if she got the biggest shock of his life.

WINNING HER BACK حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن