"Are you kidding what is she doing here?" he said covering his face in embarrassment

"She said she was here with the girls"

"Speak of the devil." Gavis girlfriend nina had said from next to him

none of us liked her, she was rude, and did not like gavi as much as she let on.

"Hola mi amigos!" she said with a big smile holding Lucia's fingers as her arm was wrapped around her shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" pedri said looking at her with a "are you serious" look on his face

"I'm here for the same reason as you" she smiled before they all screamed vamos and Her and Ana had run away onto the dance floor

Lucia and a few others had sat down on surrounding chairs around us and small tables scattered around the corner, yet close enough so we could all talk

we where all introducing ourselves and talking until one of the boys, i think his name was Hugo spoke up

"So are any of you dating them?" he said implying Ana lucia and Maria

"Lucia is seeing pedro, Ana isn't seeing anybody yet" Pablo Torre said with a smile

"Maria?" the santiago boy spoke up

we all looked his way

he had dark curly hair and a strong gaze with broad shoulders

Maria's type if i was to guess

no one had spoken yet to answer him

"By the looks of it none of you are seeing her? great for me then." he said leaning back into his chair waiting for someone to speak up

"Actually, Pablo Torre is." Nina said pointing at him

pablo just smiled and nodded

"Lucky guy." santiago said with a smirk

He didn't have a good vibe around him, nor would it match Maria's vibe

i could see gavi zoning out and completely ignoring everyone

his eyes where looking at something across the room
he wouldn't even take his eyes off it to speak to anyone

i followed his gaze and i smiled to myself

it was Maria, dancing and smiling

She was hugging Lucia and Ana with both of her arms around their necks

i looked back at pablo as he was watching her every move

he likes her

i knew he did, he was so jealous of Torre, and i know he was now jealous of Santiago, as yet another boy was interested in the one girl he wanted but couldn't get.

Pablo gavis pov

i could see her dancing across the room
seeing her happy made me feel calm
although i wasn't very happy with what everyone was saying around me

She had finished dancing and walked over to the table alone

"Pablo T!" she said as she squeezed over everyone around the table to get to him

he was sitting next to me so she had now placed herself inbetween the both of us

they where talking and giggling and i could hear it right next to me

Her small giggles where sending shivers down my spine

i had a few drinks and still all i could think about was her

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