Watching and dreaming

Start from the beginning

Takeru: Oooo, so you're planning to get married?

Nodoka: That's too far! Aah...

Nodoka had his face red from Takeru interrogating a snippet of his love life. While the girlfriend having the same reaction as Nodoka, The other two unaware of the scenario continued reading.

Riko: "You are warned not to read this book form start to finish as these pages contain different dreams at random intervals. You will remember vividly what you saw on other people's dream when you wake up. If you want to find out how this place works, go to the next page."

Taio: "If you know how to navigate and wish to proceed, turn to page 7..." Who reads a book like that? And what kind of of book does this?

Nodoka: It's like the"Choose your own Adventure" series. It brings me back...

Taio: Never heard of that before.

Nodoka: Those types of books were a great read when I was young. They had multiple endings to choose and it lets the reader decide what kind of adventure they want. Once more, it's not fixed, there's so many paths that the reader can choose and it's not the same every time. So many games had that same concept as those books...its understandable why you're not familiar. It came out in the 1980s and I guess you might be around the time before that came out?

Takeru: That's a hunch alright.

Neko: But what's on the next page.

Riko turned the page and only two questions appeared.

"What is your aim in this visit?"

"Which person do you want to see?"

Taio narrowed his eyes towards the fine print and gave the other four a thought.

Taio: Remember when we fought the Ubau-zo yesterday? That video call was in my head for a while now, and I'm curious about why she is mad at the thief.

Takeru: Why did you have to be so vague?

Taio: Saying names of those present in the Dreamscape besides us, can take us to that person's dream. That's why I'm careful.

With that, he took a deep breath and said a name loud enough for the group to hear.

Taio: Amane Kasai.

With that, the white space surrounding them dissipated through a digital screen glitch and they ended up in a red glowing background. When the group found Amane, she was kneeling next to a silver hair braided girl that was sitting like a gangster.

The gangster-like girl had a purple top with a grey skirt underneath a black vest with a white trim, and two white bone-like buttons. Her tights and opera-length gloves are black, while her cape is black with a red undertone, with silver spikes on her shoulders. Her boots are black with grey accents, and silver spikes on top of her feet. She also wore a blue mask, and a black top hat with a purple ribbon tied around it like a bow.

She looked just like Amane except for her dark red eyes. What sat between them was a durian parfait. With its ice cream, seeds and flesh donning a gradient warm yellow.

Mad what Amane had done, she scowled at the parfait as she negotiated.

Gangster girl: You you have any idea what you've done?

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