Chap 1

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A whole field filled with mines with bird seed at the end of it. 1 little tap of either of them and BOOM! Roasted Road Runner for lunch! Yummy yummy.

Wile E took his hiding place behind the rock and waited patiently for Road Runner to show up. Seconds later, he heard the 'Beep beep', and waited for the boom.

Seconds later, BOOM!

'Yes! Yes I got him!' Wile E gleefully cheered in his mind.

He ran out to the field to see which mine was stepped on, and then, BOOM!

Turns out, Road Runner had zoomed over the mines and had only set off 1 on purpose to make it look like the trap had worked. In conclusion, Wile E had a roasted body instead of a cooked bird.

'Well, back to the drawing board.' He grumbled.

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