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🔒 tiredela
Phone call again. 🫤

7:17 PM

The food is here na.

8:05 PM

Matagal ka pa ba?
The food is close to getting cold.

8:36 PM

At least reply to my messages para alam ko kung may hinihintay pa ba ako.

I don't want to be rude since
you paid for the food.

9:05 PM

The people here are leaving.

9:38 PM

They reminded me that they close
at 10 PM.

Seriously, Justine. Where are you?

10:00 PM

They were asking me to leave.

Ibabalot na lang daw yung food since walang bawas. 😆

I asked them for five more minutes.

10:07 PM

How could you do this to me?

I'm leaving.

🔒 tiredela
I thought we're trying again.

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