Innocence || smut

4K 18 0

18+ Minors DNI

Summary: JJ overhears a convo between Kie, Sarah, and you and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: smoking marijuana, alcohol, teasing, praise kink, choking, begging, unedited work


The heat of the fire lit your face as you sat leaning on Kie. Sarah sat across, roasting a marshmallow. The pipe was passed to you, you held the light and covered the hole, taking a long inhale. The back of your throat burned, and your head clouded as you held your breath. You finally exhaled, watching it mix with the smoke from the fire.

"Girls' night is gonna be so fun," you giggled, "Finally we can gossip without the boys."

"About the boys," Sarah said, letting out she inhale of smoke.

"Give me more, I don't wanna think," you said grabbing for the pipe again. You took a hit, sitting there. You goofily flopped onto your side, letting the breath out.

"I don't want to think about Kelce for another second," you had just broken up with him, a year of your life down the drain.

"I don't even know why you got with him," Sarah giggled.

"It's not like he's even good in bed," Kie said, staring straight at you.

"Why the fuck would you know?" Sarah asked, a baffled look on her face.

"Woah woah not like that, y/n told me." Kie threw her hands up in the air signaling she was innocent.

"Wait tell all!" Sarah got up and skipped over to Kie and you. She kneeled and smiled widely.

"Okay well-" you paused gathering your thoughts, "he doesn't like foreplay." They both dropped their hands to their laps, eyes wide.

"Like none at all?" Sarah started at you while hitting the pipe.

"Like maybe like a minute of fingering max," you thought back to all the times, "oh and he never reciprocated oral."

"Oh my god you have to be kidding!" Kie threw her hands in the air, "you never told me all that."

"He's also never touched my boobs, only grazed by fucking accident," you rolled your eyes.

Kie and Sarah both looked at them with eyes wide open.

"And I've only orgasmed twice," you smiled goofily.

"Out of how many times?" Kie added a marshmallow to her stick.

"Lik-" you were cut off abruptly.

"AHHHHHHH" the boys come jumping out of the bushes, alcohol in hand.

You jumped up, terror filling you. Kie threw her roasting stick, marshmallow and all. Sarah covered her eyes and curled into herself.

They began to laugh, JJ falling holding his stomach with one hand and a bottle of vodka with the other. John B picked up Sarah, and Pope dodged Kie's stick.

"You guys were supposed to come back till tomorrow morning," you pouted, worrying they heard anything you said.

"Well coming early never hurt anyone," JJ raised an eyebrow at you. You felt yourself blushing as everyone else laughed.

"Pretend like you didn't hear please I'm begging," you placed your hands together flat and shook them towards him. He began to laugh at you, holding his stomach.

"Maybe you should've done that for Kelce," he slapped his knee, and you shot him a glare.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop," his hands surrendered.

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