Some of the world's best stars were there, Kate Winslet, Daniel Brühl, Harrison Ford, Anne Hathaway and Tommy Lee Jones.

"Well, well, well! You finally decided to show up, Carrey!" Tommy Lee said, walking over to the Canadian, it was well known that he had a strong dislike for Jim. "it's been twenty years since we were in Batman Forever!"

"And we're both twenty years older!" Jim said as they waited for Steven Spielberg, their director to arrive.

"And feeling every single year!" Tommy Lee said.

As Jim was talking with the other actors, a young woman with a clipboard and an earpiece in her ear came up to him.

"Mr Carrey? You're wanted in the makeup chair" She said, politely but in awe.

He was certainly one of the legends of the Silver Screen having been in over forty films.

He smiled at her and said "thanks, and you are?"

"Amelia Stuart, but my friends call me Mia," She said, with a smile "I'm, Mr Spielberg's assistant"

Jim smiled and asked "that accent Amelia, it's Australian is it not?"

She smiled in return "Yes, Mr Carrey, I was born and bred in the Northern Territory, I come from Darwin!"

"Lovely, and obviously very hot?" He asked

"Yes, but I'm used to it!" She said as Jim headed off.


As Amelia was making sure everything was running smoothly, she noticed Kimi sitting off the side of the set, trying not to get in any of the Actor's and Actresses' way.

"Excuse me? I don't believe I know you" She said politely, as she approached him "I'm Amelia Stuart, Mr Spielberg's assistant, and you are?"

The Finn looked up "Kim Räikkönen, 2007 Formula One World Champion and Jim Carrey brought me here to the studios" He said, instantly attracted to the beautiful Australian, she had long black hair that was done up in a bun with a fresh rose in her hair, her eyes were a beautiful warm brown, and she looked his height. 

When she smiled his heart melted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Räikkönen," Amelia said "I didn't mean to sound rude but..."

Kimi smiled, he could tell she was nervous "I understand you're just trying to do your job, Miss Stuart, if you want me to go, I can..."

Unbeknownst to them, Jim was smiling at them as the makeup artist worked her magic.

"Oh no Mr Räikkönen, please stay! If you are here with Mr Carrey, I have no right telling you to leave!" Amelia said

"Feel free to call me Kimi," He said "I'm not used to being called Mr Räikkönen..."

She smiled "Call me Amelia, Kimi!"

"Are you busy tonight Amelia?" He asked.

"Are you asking me out on a date Kimi?" She asked back, winking.

"I'm actually from Finland, I have no idea about Hollywood..." Kimi said truthfully "I've been to Texas, for a Grand Prix in Austin"

"You're a racing car driver?" Amelia asked, "oh my Mother warned me about your type!!"

He gave her a look and said "I race a fast Ferrari for a living, Amelia and there's nothing else I'd rather do!"

"Did you say you race in Formula One?" She asked, "they're open wheelers aren't they?"

He smiled "Yes, they are..."

"Please call me Mia, and we'll go out for dinner tonight once I get off my shift and Mr Spielberg doesn't want me anymore!"

When Jim had the chance to get off set when he wasn't needed he approached Kimi, and crossed his arms.

"You got a fucking date with Steven Spielberg's assistant didn't you?" He asked, grinning.

Kimi grinned and said, "And she's Australian!"

"Well I wish you the best, you deserve it, Iceman!" Jim said happily

"You dated this 'Mia' just to make Isoäiti jealous didn't you Isoisä?" Elysia asked

Kimi smiled and said "At first yes, but Mia soon became a very important person in my life! I'm not going to deny it...we were in love and for a few years, I forgot about Shantelle, but she never forgot about me! Females are very jealous creatures my Little Ones, when your Isoäiti first saw Mia at the Canadian Grand Prix, she knew I had moved on...but secretly I never did! Oh, Mia was a beauty, she had the style and the looks and she was the most beautiful girlfriend in the F1 paddock! AND she was all MINE! She was soon called "The Iceman's Girl!"

"Mia never knew anything about Formula One but she was soon introduced to a wonderful world!" Shantelle said

"And you?" Kimi said to his wife "You were there at some Grand Prix not many but you were there at the most important ones! When Nicolas needed you the most!! You NEVER missed a single Grand Finale! And Nico didn't hide you away, you hated the limelight! You were there in the McLaren garage, where he needed you to be and you were his strength and power Shantelle Alissa!"

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