2015 Australian Grand Prix, Melbourne

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Nicolas and Shantelle walked into the Paddock at Albert Park to the scream of the crowds.

"NICO! NICO! CAN WE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?" They screamed, going crazy.

He searched his pockets for a permanent marker but realised he had left it back at the Hotel they were staying at.

Shantelle smiled and held out a black and silver marker.

"What would I do without you, beautiful?" he asked, pressing a kiss to her lips, to the delight of the crowd.

"Get your tongue out of her mouth! This is a child-friendly event!" Came Sebastian's cheeky voice, with that stupid trademark grin on his face.

Nicolas ignored the German and started to sign for the fans.

"What's his problem? I'm Seb by the way." Sebastian introduced himself, sticking out his hand.

"I'm Shantelle, Nico's fiancée" She said taking it.

He looked surprised "really? Where's the ring?" he asked.

She held up her left hand, proud to have an engagement ring on her finger that had been in Nico's family for over a century, she felt honoured and proud that she was going to marry into the Prost family.

He smiled, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling with mischief and he took her hand, admiring the ring "It looks like an antique, is it old?"

She smiled when he brought her hand up to his lips and gently pressed a kiss to her skin.

"Yes, Mr Vettel, it belonged to Nico's Great Great Grandmother!" She said

He smiled "did you know that the word 'Prost' means 'Cheers' in German?"

She was about to answer when Britta came up to Seb "Would you like to maybe sign some autographs Seb?" She asked, slightly annoyed "you're standing right near the fans and..."

"All right, I'm going! I'm going! See you around Shantelle!" Seb said with a smile, and then he was gone.

"You know, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him? Typical German prick!!" Came the typical Aussie drawl from none other than Mark Webber from behind her. "And you engaged to be married to a Frenchman...you gotta be knocked up right?"

Shantelle was so taken aback with shock she didn't know what to say.

Finally, she found her voice "Who the HELL do you think you are?" She snarled but then she realised who it was "Mark Alan Webber!"

Instantly he had her in a bone-crushing hug.

He smiled and said "Shantelle Alissa Jacobs, or should I say the future, Mrs Nicolas Jean Prost?"

"How have you been?" She asked excitedly, it was the first time she had smiled since that horrible night in Brisbane.

As they talked, Nico noticed her body expressions and mood, and he was happy to see her happy. The one thing that broke his heart was seeing her unhappy, in pain or scared.

"I have never seen you love someone like you love Shantelle, Nicolas," Alain said from beside him as he too started to sign for the fans. "Not even Delphine..."

Nicolas signed more programs, photos and merchandise. "I want to spend the rest of my life with Shantelle, Father"

Alain smiled and said "then promise me one thing Nicolas, never EVER be unfaithful to Shantelle, I was unfaithful to your Mother and that is something I have to live with for the rest of my life"

Nicolas was about to answer when Shantelle came up to them, "You're wanted at the McLaren Garage Nico darling, Ron has some news for you!"

He said goodbye to the fans and went off with his fiancé.

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