The Worst Night of His Life

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Nicolas woke from a night of heated, unbridled love and passion and rolled over to snuggle Shantelle only to find the other side of the bed cold and his fiancée nowhere to be seen.

"But Nico's first full season starts in just two weeks, Shantelle!!" Came Victoria's disappointed whine.

"I know it does Victoria and I have two weeks to get this monument carved for a well-known family in Brisbane..." Shantelle said back.

"The season opens in Melbourne," Alain said, joining in the conversation.

"Yes, and Melbourne is in Victoria..."

The teenager's eyes lit up "There's a city called Victoria?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Shantelle smiled and went over to the old-world globe Alain had in his study "look here" gently spun it til she found Australia "this is my country, this is Australia, we have six States and two Territories, Queensland, where I am from, and the capital is Brisbane where I live..."

Alain smiled and said "beautiful Warrawee House."

Shantelle smiled back at him.

"Ahem!" Victoria said clearing her throat "What about Victoria??"

Shantelle smiled and pointed to Victoria "this is another state, Melbourne is the capital of Victoria!"

"So it's a state, not a city or town?" Victoria asked

"Yes, that's right it's a state" Shantelle answered with a smile.

"What's that little blob down beneath the country Shantelle?" Victoria asked

Shantelle smiled and said "that 'blob' is a beautiful little state called Tasmania, it has the most stunning wines, cheeses, chocolates..."

Alain's ears had pricked up "Stunning wines?" he repeated, then before she could say anything he turned to his wife and said "My Anne Marie, how about after the race you and I go down and spend some time in Tasmania?"

She smiled and softly kissed him "I think it's a wonderful idea, my husband!"

Shantelle was busy booking her flights when Nicolas came to stand behind her "I want you there Mon Amour, can't this 'job' wait??" He asked, his tone disappointed.

"Nicolas, I love you and I would do anything for you... but I am not throwing away my dream of becoming one of the best Stonemasons in the world! How would you like it if I asked you to give up driving in Formula One?"

He screwed his nose up "Why would you? It is the wife's job to cook and clean and stay at home with the children..." at that moment he abruptly shut his mouth, but it was too late, his words had hurt her.

"Crétin!" Sacha snarled whacking the back of Nicolas's head roughly, seeing Shantelle's' tears.

"Is that all that you think of me, Nicolas Jean?" Shantelle growled, clicking the confirm button. "You KNOW how much my career means to me!!"

"Shantelle, no...I didn't mean it like that!" He said "and did you just book your flight to Brisbane?"

She eyed him with disgust in her brown eyes and as she grabbed her handbag and headed out the door she snarled "Oui! Good luck in the 'Land Down Under' Nico!"

"That's it! Run back to that pathetic Iceman!" Nicolas yelled back to Alain's disappointment.


Warrawee House, Early Morning

Shantelle wrapped her fluffy bathrobe around her and headed out of her bathroom, to be greeted by someone ringing her doorbell and Pharaoh not bothering to even lift an eyelid as he snoozed on his part of the comfy lounge.

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