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Kit was sat in the middle of the floor in his office where he did meetings, calls, played games and also read. He had a big sectional in there with a desk with his pc and monitors as well as a tv stand with a flatscreen on it. He had floor to ceiling bookshelves full of books of all different kinds of genres.

He was currently going through them again to try and make space for some other stuff and honestly, he just wanted to see Mar again. He was objectively pretty but also, amit liked her personality. She was smart, funny. She was also very kind. He had stayed at the shop for a while, then chatting and getting to know one another more and Kit had told her about his life, and heartstopper.

He smiled at the memory, of Marley being very excited and intrigued with him as he spoke and talked about it. He was upset that he hadn't gotten her number before he left but he planned on going back the next day but he got real busy and it wasn't until Monday he had the time.

Kit was at a stage in his decluttering where there wasn't much else he wanted to get rid of. There were a few books that he wanted Mar to read, so maybe that was his way to see her again. He stood up, and then bent down to pick up the books he had taken off the shelves and brought them back and placed them back in the shelves.

He had turned around and walked to the sectional, grabbing the book he had just finished reading and looked at the cover again. It was Stephen King, Firestarter. He really enjoyed it and he had a feeling Mar would too.

So, he left the room and headed to his bedroom where he placed the book down and grabbed out a clean change of clothes and headed to shower. It was earlier then when he usually went to see her so he was going to grab coffee and maybe a sandwich for her.

He remembered her saying that she was a vegetarian so he knew not to get meat but he didn't know what else to grab. Kit thought about it in the shower before getting out and just deciding a croissant might be better.

As he got ready he went back to his room grabbed the book before coming out, grabbing a jacket and stuffing his feet into his shoes before leaving. He had called an uber and he was going to a coffee shop down the street from Little Reads.

As he got out and thanked the driver he walked in, ordering a medium regular coffee with milk, a medium double double and a croissant. The woman handed him the tray once they were made and said a thank you.

As he walked he pulled his sunglasses back down to hide his eyes and tugged his hood up to avoid being recognized for his hair or anything other then just his face.

As he came up to the door, he saw Mar walking up to the glass door, rubbing her eyes under her glasses as she was just in sweatpants and a hoodie and her curls pulled up in a bun. She yawned before she saw him and smile broke out on her face as she unlocked the door and pulled it open for him.

"Good morning." He spoke as he entered. He set the tray down on the counter and Mar couldn't help but go and sit in her chair behind the desk and pull herself closer to the desk.

"One regular for you, and a croissant." Kit tugged her coffee out of the tray and handed her the bag that held the croissant.

"Awe Kit thank you." She smiled up at him as he remembered how she took her coffee.

He smiled at her as she sat, picking apart her croissant and waiting to leave the middle to eat. She danced a little as she ate, enjoying the croissant.

"I brought something else for you." He said as he grabbed the book out from his bag he brought and handed it to her. "I want you to read it."

She paused her chewing as she looked at it, and then up to her and a big smile broke out on her face. "I love Stephen King. This is amazing Kit, thank you!"

Kit felt a warm feeling hit his chest as he watched the girl who he just wanted to be around, all the time. It was a weird feeling but he knew what it was.

Kit watched as she stood up and walked around the counter and she stopped in front of him. He looked down to her with a cocked eyebrow as ge was a bit confused as to what she was doing.

"Can I hug you?" She asked, her eyes meeting his finally and he let out a bit of a laugh before pulling her into a hug. She reciprocated the hug and the laugh and pulled back out of it.

Kit's heart started racing a bit more then what he wanted after the hug and she looked around quickly and glanced to the street. It was still quite early so the streets were quite dead.

"What?" He asked, becoming confused again. He watched as her smile grew and she reached and grabbed his forearm tugging Kit along to the back of the store where the spiral staircase was.

"Come on." She spoke quickly as she started climbing the stairs up to her apartment.

As Kit made it to the final step he looked around and she was a bit shocked honestly. It was very homey feeling and reminded hun of the bookshop downstairs but more personal. There were a lot of potted and hanging plants around, a brown sectional that was in the same room as the kitchen and dining room table. There was a hallway that led to a couple different doors and he had a feeling it was the bathroom, bedroom and possibly a guest room.

It smelt like Marley. A mix of warm vanilla and a hint of a coconut. He smiled as she showed her the place. A soft meow came from the end of the hallway and Kit's attention was immediately brought to the ragdoll cat sprawled out in the sun that was shining on the floor.

"Oh! That's Minerva." She pointed, padding over to the cat and picked her up. She became floppy, like a ragdoll and allowed Marley to bring her over to Kit.

"You're a fan of Harry Potter?" Kit asked as he let Minerva smell him before petting the soft cat. Minerva started purring and Kit was immediately in love with the cat.

"Yep. My dad and I would watch them every Sunday before he passed." She said as she focused in on Minerva, once again avoiding Kit's eyes.

Kit's heart hurt for Mar. He had found out so much about her and her family life in a few short visits with her and he didn't know how to help. He couldn't help. There was nothing he could do but try and be there for Mar.

Kit smiled softly as Minerva stretched out and tried to paw at nothing before Mar set ger down and sighed. "Should probably get back downstairs."

Kit nodded and followed the girl back down the steps.

Little Reads     ♡    Kit ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now