Features of a Sample Textbook in the NATURAL SCIENCE

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• The title of the chapter to give you an idea of what is to be discussed.
• The pictures are used not only to stir your interest but also to present the concept being tackled in concrete terms.
- side bar of the chapter opener enumerates the specific questions to be answered in the section as well as their sequence.
- pictures serves as the visual presentations of the principles and applications tackled in the chapter.
- The the heading is comprise of the chapter number and the chapter title. By looking at them, we gain information on the place of the lesson in the book as well as the topic discussed in the section.
- The brief explanation of the contents of the chapter may also be presented in order to set the expectations of the readers.

– Includes the number as well as the title of the lesson. In this case, the title is phrased as a questions to provide a focus for the students.
• The science principle or main idea governing the discussion in the lesson is presented in the on set.
• Once again, picture are also provided to direct the discussion on the lesson, to stir the reader's interest, and to show specific applications of the principles being dealt' with.
• The caption provides crucial information on how the science principle discussed in the lesson applies to the object being shown in the picture.

– Locate the main idea or principle in the passage. And then, look at the explanations and illustrations that follow in order for you to understand how such a concept applies in real life.
• The illustrations provides the visual presentation of the concept being discussed in the body of the lesson.
• The label provides a conceptual reference to what the picture stands for.
• Once again, a caption is used to describes the picture.
• The section heading indicates the specific aspect of the lesson being dealt with in the succeeding discussions.
• The body of the lesson provides a thorough discussion of the concept at hand. Examples are also provided in order to help you understand how a particular science principle words.

– Important features
• guide question

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