chapter seventeen

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All this was feeling foreign to me. Like it wasn't my life anymore and if it was it was lacking something or someone. I get an unexpected call from Brianna and i don't know if it's fate or charlie told her I'd be here. They hit it off when i introduced them and immediately became friends. "Hey Bria,"i say

"Hey Lia, you're in London?"

"Yes i just got here, why ?"

"Can we have coffee later,for old time's sake?"

I bite my lip nervously because all the feelings i buried down just came up. Anger, fear ,regret ,love all of them."Sure I'll text you after my meeting,"i say. Did i forget how she treated me that quickly? I walk into the building with everyone acknowledging me and even asking where i was but i don't have time to chat. I wasn't ready to be back and it showed from the way my heart pounded each time someone asked me how i was or said sorry about the engagement. "Amelia,finally!this is Miss Isla,"he says introducing me because she already knows me if she requested for me. Her Ash gray shoulder length falls perfect on her shoulders with emerald eyes with a perfect side profile.

"Shall we get started?"

"What?"i ask getting out of my daze. This woman would cross everything off everything i wanted in a person. "Can we start?"she says carving her face into a smile and i can't help but feel my cheeks burning.

"Uh yes sorry,"

"i want to sue the Gianmarco cooperation for breaching a contract they made with us. I have solid evidence and papers to prove it,"she says sternly which makes it Abit harder for me to concentrate. Her lips are moving but her voice is music to my ears. "I'll look over the papers today and arrange everything. Wait did you just say Gianmarco?"i ask realising just now that that is Fabiana's company. "Yes I did and the files are too many are you sure i can't help you?"she asks surprising me. She was similar to Fabiana with how serious she was when it came down to work. "I was planning on taking them home because I'm not fully back at the office. I came here for your case,"i say and see a her cheeks burn pink if I'm not wrong.

Was she blushing? Did i do that?

"I'll bring my own bottle there then,if that's okay,"

"sure I'll text you the address and everything,"i say as she grabs her back before walking past me leaving me to watch her walk away. I snap out of it knowing she might be as straight as a needle and I'm in an awkward place right now with my love life. I get a text from Brianna on where to meet and that's where I go with a box of files in the back. I couldn't talk to Fabiana about it because she wasn't actually my wife and client confidentiality is something i value.

"It's great to see you,"she says breaking the silence as we drink our coffee. I don't know why she thought i came back but i wasn't just about to jump into being friends with her or anything. If so i agreed to meet her so i can tell her to move on from me.

"I actually wanted to be honest with you because i couldn't live with myself if i didn't,"

"You were breathing just fine when you cheated on me,"i retort.

"I didn't sleep with my business partner. I...slept..i slept with your sister. I got carried away but it meant nothing,"


"I ended it with her recently because it wasn't fair to you,"

"You..WHAT?!! RECENTLY?!!" "Calm down Lia,"

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm the fuck down when you and that ungrateful bitch played me in my own house! I don't even know why i thought we could work everything out,"i finish yelling at her infront of everyone who's now invested in what is going on but i don't care. Why should I spare her dignity when she ironed mine flat on the ground till it was in line with the floor. "I'm so done Bria, honestly go fuck yourself or my sister if that's what rocks your sinking ass boat,"i say pouring the rest of my coffee on her not caring whether it's hot or not. And to think someone out there wants to start dating women because they think it's easier.

I pull up to my house grabbing everything including two bottles of wine because i couldn't have the hard liquor even if i wanted to. I find the door unlocked and realise that Ava is here. Not when i just found out about her sneaky sister dearest play. "Hey Lia I'm making ramen noodles,"she says on the other side of the kitchen counter and it's taking everything in me to not breakdown infront of her. " house,now,"i say trying to be calm.

"Why what did i do?"

"All this time you were Brianna's mistress?my own sister?"i ask throwing a glass on the wall a safe distance from her. I was so angry and felt so stupid and deceived. "Get out! And never ever call or text me. You and i are nothing short of two people who share DNA from now on,"i say watching her cry as she walks past me. I don't care anymore. All this time i was taking care of everyone but who was taking care of me?

"Is this a bad time?"Isla asks as soon as I open the door a crying mess thinking it was the food delivery guy. "No not really just my scheduled i hate life session,"i say making her chuckle lightly as she walks in with the same pant suit as before. "I'll go freshen up and come back. Feel free to browse around and avoid the kitchen,there's broken glass,"i say rushing to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get into a pair of sweat shorts and a crop top to feel comfortable.

"I love your house, it's so comfortable," she says genuinely. We spend the rest of the night talking about stuff nothing related to the case and i pick up that she might be interested in me as well. But i wasn't sure this whole love thing was for me right now. "Isla you're hot and check off everything on my list but i don't think I'm ready to start dating yet,i hope you understand,"i say sounding as gentle as possible and she just smiles back. "I understand,i just had to try my luck,"she says and i lean in to kiss her cheek at how sweet she's being about it. "For what it's worth picked you because you're a great lawyer not because i wanted to pursue you,"she says clearing the doubts i would have had about working for her.

"I'm a mess right now and i know what I'm about to ask is unprofessional but can i cuddle with you for a few minutes before you go?"i ask and she doesn't hesitate to position herself properly on the couch patting the empty space next to her and when i lay down she rubs my back softly. "Friends?"she asks making me chuckle. "I haven't made a female friend since i got here,"i say genuinely and she kisses my forehead, "well now you have" she says. What's with these forehead kisses? I'm such a mess. I think to myself. How did my client end up being my cuddle buddy?

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