Frosting! (Chapter Two)

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Oh, and I have no idea what I'm about to write- I'm just writing it, unscripted- but I have a feeling so I'm going to apologize just in case- sorry for any OOCness with Alec.

Disclaimer: I do not own TMI or Alec or the very glittery, "sexy, sexy warlock," as Izzy once put it in...was it CoLS? Anyway, unfortunately I don't own Malec.

And if I did, what freaking happened in freaking City of Lost Fire would freaking not have freaking happened and I freaking could not stop freakin' crying and yes, yes I do have a freaking problem with saying freaking way too freaking much! Freaking. :)


"Alec!" Magnus called from the kitchen.

"What?" Alec asked, yawning as he made his way from the bedroom, where he'd been trying to sleep, to Magnus. It was eight AM.

"Come help me," Magnus said.


"Cookies!" Magnus did a little dance, glitter falling off his hair.

"Oh...wait, you're actually going to cook them? Like, not just magic them up?" Alec asked, looking more awake.

"Yep," Magnus said happily.

"Okay," Alec agreed. Magnus smiled, brushing his lips against Alec's. When he pulled away, Alec pretended to pout.

"Cookies first, kisses later," Magnus informed him, grinning cockily.

"Alec sighed.

"So, what cookies are we making?" Magnus asked him.

Alec blinked. "I don't know, it was your idea- oh, chocolate!" Alec said, causing Magnus to laugh.

"Someone's in love with chocolate," he teased.

"Yeah, someone's else is in love with glitter!" Alec exclaimed.

Magnus smirked. "At least I'm not inlove with food."

"Oh yeah? What about pizza?!"

So Alec and Magnus began arguing as they pulled out the ingredients- "Sugar!"

Alec shouted, "and I told you already-"

"Salt and honestly, Alec, pizza is the best thing ever invented-"

"How could you? No, ice cream is the best thing ever. And chocolate!"

Once they had finally finished making the chocolate chip cookies, the whole kitchen was a mess and Magnus did not want to clean it up. At all. Alec tried to make him to no avail.

"" they both said, looking around. They both had frosting on their faces because Magnus made some, insisting he wanted some on a few of the cookies and Alec had stupidly agreed.

Then Alec had started laughing and Magnus just stared, stunned at his kitchen- the chairs were sideways, the table a mess of flour, sugar, and milk and the whole floor was a wreak. Oh, and both boys were covered from head to toe in flour. But Magnus couldn't help it and soon they were rolling on the floor laughing.

Hey, they couldn't get any dirtier!

Alec kissed Magnus. "You promised," he said, and Magnus pulled him closer and Alec deepened the kiss.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"For giving me the best day ever."

"I love you, Shadowhunter."

"I love you too, warlock," Alec whispered as Magnus hugged him.

Oh, you all thought it was over? Wrong!

Then Magnus stood up, pulling off his shirt and smiled, saying, "Well, I'm off to take a shower! Oh, you'll clean up for me? Thank you, Alec, darling!"

He skipped away laughing, leaving a completely surprised and not at all amused Alexander Gideon Lightwood, just standing there, mouth wide open.

Still, nope.

"Close your mouth, love, or it'll freeze like that."

*Bang* The bathroom door slammed shut, cutting out Magnus's laughter.


Yep, now it's over. Haha, I hope you enjoyed this.

NOTE: I rewrote this in 2016.

This was not my intended ending, I was going to have it end with Malec cuddling and the cookie timer went off, but they fell asleep. I think I'll use it for the next one. I'm gonna try and post another chapter now! Or at least within two weeks! :)

I posted several other Malec stories, btw! I think I'm an idiot, because I haven't written one single Clace story!

CALL THE MENTAL HOSPITAL! (Satan knows I need it lmao) (honestly I'd love Brendon Urie knowing anything about me)

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