Chapter VII - Family Business

Start from the beginning

The next day, the maids called us for breakfast. We all sat at the table together, but not even the kids dared to speak. Repeatedly, I saw the sisters make a move trying to strike up a conversation. They never succeeded. However, I took my time to observe how the newlywed couple behaved to each other. It was normal for them, as hosts, to sit at opposite ends of the table; still, they chose to sit as close as possible. The expression on their faces was of joy when they looked at each other, and I saw their anxiety diminish with proximity.

After that, the maids took the kids away to a playroom and the hosts invited us for a walk. The prince asked me to keep him company in the office, since the chair made it difficult for him to go through the fields. I understood that he also wanted to let them have some time alone to deal with their own issues.

"Thank you, your majesty", I expressed.

"For what?" He asked.

"For understanding the situation and letting them solve it all by themselves".

"I don't know as much about the situation as you do, and I've just recently met Astrea. Still, there are some things I must understand her conditions and pay attention to her needs if I want to have a good relationship with her. And she needs to talk to her sister. I'll not try to convince you of my feelings or something like that. I believe it is neither the time nor place for it".

"Well, speaking as in-laws and husband to two strong willed women, I know that no matter what I do, they are the only ones capable of solving their own problems". I answered.


"And they will never solve it if they don't talk about it."

"And they will never willingly talk about it by themselves".

"Yes. But, right now, all we can do is give them the opportunity to talk it out. I'll try my best to give them as many chances as I can". The prince said, expectantly.

"I'll do the same".

For an outsider, this conversation was a simple interaction between in-laws. However, with a few lines you can establish a pattern of behavior, loyalties and ideals. With his positioning, he wanted to prove himself as a reliable and loyal husband, and that he would stay at his wife's side and help her in every aspect she could. My relationship with my wife is famous among nobles, and the public deemed us the "ideal couple"; hence, by putting himself as a good and trustworthy husband, he wanted to gain my confidence. His efforts, nevertheless, were not empty and, even though I understood the objectives behind his words, I could also sense honesty.

"Can we talk a little about business?", he asked.

"Sure". Let's see his true face, beyond those pleasantries, I thought.

"And, since we are family, I'd advise you to talk without formalities, if possible".

"If you wish".

"As you may expect, there are many reasons for requesting your presence. You have already been notified about the meeting with the Amin Trade Company. Also, the Moonrise Caravan is arriving tomorrow and shall join us for dinner. They alerted us of their visit just before your arrival, so we couldn't tell you in advance".

Moonrise was not well-known by the great public, and few people had their contact; even fewer could work with them. If they got them in the game, the counterpart they would ask for should be big.

"We are family now, at least on paper, aren't we? You can get straight to the point".

The higher the stakes, the higher my apprehension. I wondered how much they would ask, and how much control they would have over us after it.

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