"I mean I think a dragon could eat a wolf in a bite but I will take the sentiment." Alyarra jested as Cregan chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah. And remember if you ever want to come back I am only just a scroll away, you raven me and I will get you back home in no time." Cregan told his sister as she nodded her head and looked at Lady Arra who was as pregnant as ever.

"Lady Alyarra, our years spent together have been formidable. You are an excelling girl and I hope more than anything you come back home a princess." Lady Arra told the girl as the two hugged.

A princess. Alyarra had not even taken that into consideration. If she married the prince she would become a princess.

"It would definitely be something." Alyarra jested as the Lady Arra smiled. Alyarra moved to embark on her carriage as Catherryn finished her goodbyes with her family.

"I love you brother." Alyarra told her brother as he looked down at his feet and then back at his sister. "I adore you sister." He responded as Alyarra took a deep breath and sat inside the carriage.

Catherryn joined the Lady Stark as the both looked at eachother and held eachother's hands. Uncertainty filling both of the girls hearts. The carriage moved and Alyarra peeked through the window curtains to look back at her brother, who seemed as sad as she had ever seen him. But it was too late to turn back.

Life in King's Landing awaited Lady Alyarra Stark of Winterfell, and oh what it held for her.


After twelve days, the Winterfell caravan that held the Lady Alyarra finally arrived at King's Landing. It had been quite a tiring trip but Alyarra was excited nonetheless.

The two girls peeked their head out of the window as they traveled through the streets of King's Landing and Alyarra's breath was taken away as she set eyes on the Red Keep. It looked as big and majestic as she had read in her history books.

"That is huge." Catherryn breathed out as Alyarra gulped and nodded her head. "It is truly outstanding." Alyarra breathed out as suddenly she felt a stream of water go down her forehead. She wiped her hand and as she looked at it she noticed her glistening skin.

"I appear to be... sweating?" Alyarra asked in a confused tone as Catherryn chuckled and grabbed a hand towel to wipe the Lady Stark's forehead. Alyarra took off her coat as she suddenly realized how hot King's Landing truly was.

No wonder dragons felt so at ease here. King's Landing was as hot as their fire she was sure.

Suddenly the carriage came to a stop and Alyarra's eyes had widened. They had finally arrived at the castle. "Do I look good, Catherryn?" Alyarra asked rushed as her lady nodded her head yes and fixed Alyarra's dress quickly.

"You look beautiful as always my lady." Catherryn stated as Alyarra's heart began pounding as she heard a knight yell out her name. She couldn't even believe that she was truly at court.

"Lady Alyarra Stark of Winterfell!" The knight yelled as the door to the carriage opened. The knight extended his hand out to the Lady as she grabbed it and stepped out of the carriage swiftly.

She took a breath as the hot air of King's Landing hit her skin. Her eyes ran through the courtyard as they landed on the woman who appeared to be the Queen Alicent as she wore a beautiful green dress with a green diadem. By her side stood a platinum haired boy with a girl, and then at her other side stood the man that took away Alyarra's breath.

There he was. He stood tall and handsome. Her eyes traveled through his face as she looked at the eye patch. His face was perfectly chiseled, his eye was cold yet said a lot about him. His hair was perfectly styled. He was perfect. Impeccable.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now