And lastly was the orc. This orc was a behemoth of an orc if I've ever seen one I've never met an orc before but I never imagined that one would be this massive his arms were extremely muscular to the point where the traditional leather bindings the imperials typically used were not used on him but rather heavy duty horse shackles he had small horns appearing from his head he had two small tusks protruding from his lower jaw and his bare chest was littered with scars it was clear to me that this Orc had seen and fought many battles.

As they ordered the second prisoner to approach a dragon blacker then the deepest ebony  appeared and had the imperial legion in a panic. Quickly taking inventory of the group of people scampering around the chaos looking not knowing what to do Instinct took over as I yelled to the ten who had caught my eye and led them not into Helgen keep, but rather to the main imperial government building in Helgen to retrieve our belongings. Storming the building during the chaos we were met with minimal resistance each one of us quickly retrieving our belongings

The gorgeous high elf woman had on a set of ebony spellknight armor her left hand glowing with elemental burst and the Daedric artifact Goldbrand in her right hand. along with the staff of Viermina the skull of Corruption. along with other staffs that I didn't have time to examine further

The wood elf had on a circlet on her head the legendary savior's hide from the Daedric Lord Hircine she also had a steel mace a steel Warhammer and a battle axe that had wolf heads on the blade as well as a glass bow which I immediately recognized as the glass bow of the stag prince.

The Argonian confirmed my suspicion of him being an assassin from the Dark Brotherhood as he put on the armor of the Dark Brotherhood along with a rather unusual-looking dagger that I'd never seen before but the other dagger he had I recognized as immediately as Mehrune's razor the Daedric artifact of Mehrune's Dagon himself. He also retrieved a daedric crossbow which he had aimed at the door.

The Khajiit also confirmed my suspicion of him being a thief as he dawned an all-black tight leather armor set that I had never seen before there was an emblem of what I could only assume was a nightingale on the chest piece as he holstered a black one-handed sword which also had a resemblance of a nightingale on the Hilt of the blade as he also along with the wood elf trained their bows on the other two doors providing cover.

The Redguard woman surprised me by wearing a set of armor i never seen before that seemed to be a variety of leather armor made from netch leather. She drew out two scimitars one glowing an eerie red while the other one glowing a brilliant blue.

The Nord retrieved his armor which I had to say fit his personality perfectly as he had a complete set of Madness armor along with pulled out a massive silver claymore which was as tall as him the tip touching the ground and the handle reaching the top of his head as he placed it on his back he pulled out an amber looking warhammer where the amber spikes protruding out of both sides I recognized to those two items as the sword of the daedric lord Jyggalag and the amber warhammer was called Nerveshatter the amber warhammer made by the daedric lord of madness Sheogorath.

The male vampire imperial pulled out to my surprise a complete set of Daedric Armor along with a sword that I immediately recognized from my home in Morrowind the infamous bloodskal blade he holstered it in the middle of his back while pulling out two one-handed swords that had teeth in the blade facing each other I've never seen swords like that before. He then pulled out a very demonic looking mace that I immediately recognized as the mace of Molag bal himself.

The female imperial put on the masque of Clavicus vile along with a full set of Blades armor along with a silver crossbow, a blades shield, and a blades katana, which made me wonder if she was a member of the legendary order of dragon slayers that formerly protected the emperer. I snapped out of my mental cloud and proceeded to take a look at the rest of them.

The breton had an entire set of dwarven armor although the helmet looked a bit different, he pulled out a sword that glowed with the light of the sun along with a dwarven-looking shield that was inverted I recognized those two artifacts as Dawnbreaker the sword of the daedric prince Meridia and Spellbreaker was the daedric artifact of Peryite. He also had a one-handed hammer and a crystal-like dagger that I recognized as sundar and keening respectivly, the dwarven gauntlets looked like wraithguard, he also had a dwarven warhammer that didnt look unusual fom a standard dwarven warhammer.

The orc thanks to the combined efforts of the high elf's fire magic and the breton smashing the shackles with the dwarven warhammer finally broke them off. The orc nodded in gratitude as he retrieved his equipment putting on a complete set of dragonbone armor and a sabertoothed skull helmet, and pulling out an unusual looking mace that I've never seen before as he put it on his right hip before pulling out a dragonscale shield on his back and a warhammer that I recognized as the hammer of might Volendrung the daedric artifact of Malacath the patron deity to the orcs.

Nodding I reached the end of the crate and put on my ebony boots, brawler ebony gauntlets, and helmet before Dawning my lord Boethiah's ebony mail. Placing the black star into the indent that my lord's Azura and Boethia put in the ebony mail as I pulled out the two-handed katana the ebony blade given to me by my lord Mephala. Along with the shadowy battle axe shadowrend and my bow of shadows.

Nodding to the group just as we were about to exit we were swarmed by the imperial soldiers who were tasked with retrieving the prisoners I could tell by the look in their eyes that we shared with one another. We were not going to simply surrender not when we are this close to freedom. " All right guys, let's crush these insignificant worms!" I yelled to them as they all nodded in agreement as we fought our way out of Helgen only applying lethal force when we needed to. The argonian, wood elf, female imperial, and khajiit taking care of the archers. The breton and high elf using their magic to both heal and provide fire and lightning cover respectively while myself, the Imperial male, the Nord, the Redguard, and the Orc all handled the ground units as we escaped Helgen it was being burned down by the black dragon that was still assaulting the outside.

( Back to the present. Third-person pov)

"And ever since that day we have been a team ever since." Ebon-shi finished his story while the group sat down in the cover of the forest smiling in nostalgia at the events that took place that day and the encounter tat forged them into the formidable team they were today. "Wow, that's incredible, It's no wonder you guys are so close and in sync. Even though you've never met each other before you guys almost instantly bonded with each other and you put your trust in one another." Lianya said in awe as she sat against the tree her red lips contrasted by her pale skin. As the moon rose into the sky the land became shrouded in darkness the only light to be seen were the torches that surrounded the ruins of Helgen that the bandits now occupied. "As far as we know no one else escaped Helgen aside from Ulfric Stormcloak, General Tullius, Ralof, Hadvar, and us." Gentu spoke as he nodded to the group. " Well now that story time is over, we got a job to do, Gila, Severin, and Shadow-step. You take the high ground to take them out from above, we will use the same tactic as we used on the spiders if we move quickly we can take everybody out before they know what hit them." Ebon-shi said as the group nodded. Lianya nodded before asking " Hey after we seize control of Helgen from these bandits, can we rest here for the night? And I also have a request I would like to make because I want to help out the group more other than just being rear support." Lianya asked as Ebon-shi nods. " Absolutely, we will talk just as soon as we claim Helgen, and then before we all turn in for the night. I give you my word that you and I will speak." Ebon-shi said and nodded. "Thank you, Now let's show these bandits who they're messing with!" Lianya said with a confident smirk on her face.

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