USERNAME that first picture of you omg!

USERNAME need the first pic tattooed onto me fr

USERNAME you so fine 😍

USERNAME prettyyyyy

USERNAME give mason a big hug for me!! Tell him he did great 💗

USERNAME Qatar seemed like vibes!

USERNAME love this lil photo dump

USERNAME ur so cooool <3

IN TWO DAYS time Delina was leaving Qatar and heading back to London. England's time at the World Cup had come to an end.

However before she left she wanted to go and see one person. She had watched Brazil's game that followed on the next day after England's defeat. Rooting for them even more now since England had lost.

Like England, Brazil were unsuccessful. Meaning they too, were out of the World Cup. Their journey coming to an end.

She couldn't even imagine how Richarlison was feeling. Knowing he worked so incredibly hard to be his best. Not only him, the entire team. They really wanted it. And she felt for them as much as she did the England team.

She felt in this circumstance it was only right to say goodbye to him properly. Especially since he was probably not in the best place right now.

Her Uber came to a stop outside of the hotel he was staying at. Getting out she thanked the driver and then made her way inside. She had texted him asking him for his hotel room number.

Following the instructions he sent about how to get to his room, she made her way there.

As she stood outside his door, room 208, she was nervous. She wasn't sure if he even wanted to see her. Even though he had told her last night her coming by was fine, she thought he maybe might of changed his mind. Maybe now he just wanted to be alone.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. She waited for at least a minute, before the door swung open. A disheartened looking Richarlison stood at the door. The pain and tiredness could be seen in his eyes. A soft smile formed as he looked at her.

She didn't even say anything, she stepped in immediately wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Feeling like that's all he really needed right about now.

He melted into her hug. His head situated in the crook of her neck. He kept on holding on to her as he shut the door with one arm, returning that arm back to her waist.

She pulled back a little to look at his face.

"Thanks for coming dels." It was a sad smile on his lips.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted to still see me actually. I thought maybe you'd change your mind. Want space." She laughed. Their arms were still wrapped around each other as they talked.

"I'd always want to see you." He said earnestly. Looking deeply into her eyes.

She smiled and he pulled her in, to hug her again. His head returning back to the crook of her neck.

"You did so well. I'm proud of you. And you should be proud of yourself! You worked so hard and did the best you possibly could. That's all anyone could ask for." She told sweetly. Giving him some encouragement.

She felt him nod in the crook of her neck.

"Yeah. You're right." He agreed.

"2026, is your year." She pulled back so she could look at him. Wanting to make sure he was feeling motivated by her words.

"2026, England vs Brazil final." He winked

"Where we'll absolutely destroy you." Delina said deviously.

He laughed shaking his head as he hugged her for a third time. He felt a warmth when hugging her. Almost as if it healed him in a way.

Their hug and sweet moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. He unwrapped his arms from Delina to go and open it.

When he did, Lena was stood on the other side.

"I'm all packed!" She beamed at him. Her smile dropping when she looked to richarlison's left to see Delina stood there staring back at her.

"Oh. Hello." It was pure bitterness in the blondes voice. She was not happy at all that Delina was in her boyfriends hotel room.

"Yeah I'm gonna get going." Delina raised her eyebrows, not even responding to Lena as she could read her bitchiness.

"Speak soon?" She asked richarlison, walking over and stopping in front of him.

"Yeah of course." He smiled.

She nodded touching his shoulder gently before walking past Lena, side eying her before leaving the pair alone.

Lena's glare was deadly. A perfect example of if looks could kill. Richarlison already read her and could tell she was itching to start an argument.

"Why the fuck is she in your room?" She snapped

"If you're going to argue, please just leave. I can't be bothered. I don't have any energy in me." He sighed. He was already so mentally drained from the defeat, he couldn't deal with Lena's craziness right now aswell.

Somehow that made Lena's energy shift. Her scowl lifted and she looked guilty.

"I'm sorry Richy." She walked over and wrapped him in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you. You know that baby." She stroked the back of his head with her long acrylics. He settled into her touch. It was nice, but it wasn't the same. He didn't get the same comforting feeling he got when Delina held him.

"I know. Thank you meu amore." He hugged her back. Deep down guilt washed over him because he was meant to be in this moment him and his girlfriend were sharing, yet for some reason he found himself thinking about Delina.

— guys I promise you
I'm breaking him
and Lena up soon 😭.
It's a slow burn so they can't
get together too soon yk.
but I promise it'll be soon!!

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