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        Professor Snape hurries to my body, practically shoving students out of the way. He throws bricks out of his way, searching for where I lay down. I haven't quite blacked out yet, but I see the world becoming dark and blurry. My chest feels a foreign cramp sensation, so I reach my hand up to try to feel it, soothe it. When I do, my hand touches a warm liquid. This connection burns my skin, forcing me to grit my teeth in pain. I realize that I'm bleeding out and that it's probably not just from my chest. This causes more panic, the adrenaline in my body refusing to stop rushing. Eventually, my breathing no longer keeps me awake. I try to grasp onto consciousness but, like a buttered rope, I slip, falling into an endless pit of unconsciousness. I pass out, finally, with only my mind to accompany me.

        When Snape does actually reach me, I'm completely out. The only sign of life that I emit is the labored breathing I force my body to continue. Snape is panicked when he finds me, more than he would typically be. He uses some rather profane language under his breath, cursing about how Draco went way too far. Professor Snape points his wand at my body and speaks.

        "Enervate," he murmurs, finally calm. It's as if he's revived someone before.

        Slowly, my breathing returns to a normal pace and I eventually begin to feel some sensations. At first, it feels as though someone has glued my eyes shut and broken off my limbs. However, minutes later, I gather the strength to open my eyes.


        The sensation of believing you are going to die is a feeling of pure helplessness. I endlessly fought with my conscience, trying to dig my way back up to life. It's incredibly tiring, honestly. Although I hate to admit it, I considered fully giving up.

        Suddenly, I start to feel different, perhaps more lifelike. The pressure feels like it's lifting off my lungs and the glue residue on my eyes is subsiding. I feel enough strength to snap back into reality. I open my eyes, to see a blurry Snape and I remember an inkling of what just happened. Immense panic enters my body without warning. My chest begins to rise and fall somewhat spasmodically and I feel as though I want to seize. I can't control my movements, and I feel so unsafe that I want to remain to emit my violent trembling. Snape holds my upper arms down onto the bricks that I lay upon, hoping to get me to stop shaking.

         "Miss Francis- Rosaline," Snape nearly yells, forcing me to look at him. "Calm down, please. You're fine."

        "I-I can't," I cry, between labored breaths. I almost want to beg for mercy. "I don't want to, please."

        Snape sighs, knowing something that would help. Perhaps he's willing to assist me because he's friends with my parents. Almost no one has ever seen him care for any student as much as this. Other than how he's always watching Potter's back, of course. And how he's practically Malfoy's father. Snape suddenly tells the other students to return to their house's common rooms, as class is officially terminated for the day.

        "You're stronger than this, Miss Francis," Snape breathes in, at once. He lifts my, still injured, body up, carrying me to his potion room.

        I remain unable to calm myself once we arrive at our destination. The memories are far too raw still. Snape looks through his cabinets, searching for one potion in particular. Once he pulls it out, I see that it's a Calming Draught.

        "Drink it," he hands the potion to me, watching. He kept looking, waiting for me to finish it.

        I take the bottle in my shaking hands, careful not to drop it. Slowly, I remove its cap and put the bottle to my lips. The liquid passes down my throat and, per Snape's request, I finish everything in it. Satisfied, Snape takes the bottle from me, although not as harshly as he typically does things, and waits for the side effects to render.

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