#36 Renegade

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"That is the most absurd plan, Potter," Professor McGonagall said in her sternest voice. "Wouldn't you say, Severus?"

"It seems that the girl from the future has informed the Dark Lord about my contributions to his downfall. I've been cut off from all my sources of information," Professor Snape said in his clipped tones, "But if I were the Dark Lord, I would have tripled the enchantments on my Horcuxes and made sure they are well out of your reach. Unless... you are no longer a threat."

His black eyes seemed to bore a hole in Harry but the boy did not flinch away, "Then I will meet him and let him kill me."

Professor McGonagall gasped at his words, but he continued, "It will be up to the Order to eliminate the Cup and Nagini."

"The Cup?" Professor Snape drawled, lifting an eyebrow in question.

"Helga Hufflepuff's Cup," Harry said in response. "Its last known location is the Lestrange's vault at Gringotts."

Professor Snape seemed to consider Harry's words before parting his lips again, "To the best of my knowledge, Bellatrix was commanded to retrieve something from her vault the night that Dumbledore fell... she was tasked to guard it with her life...she was also tasked with hunting down Narcissa Malfoy."

His words formed a vice around Draco's throat, constricting it and choking him with fear.

"Not if we hunt her down first." Harry said, feeling pity for Draco, whose face had turned a sickly shade of green.

"If the ministry has fallen to spies," Professor McGonagall pointed out, "It would mean that You-Know-Who is aware of Albus' demise. You might not have to go to him, Potter... He will come to you."

"That's right..." Harry said slowly, a new plan forming in his mind, "And when he comes, we'll be ready. When he comes, it will be the perfect diversion for you to find Bellatrix and destroy the Cup." His last words were aimed at Draco.

"I'm not going to sit around while my mother is being hunted," he seemed to have found his voice and it was angry.

"Sometimes, sitting tight is the best course of action." Harry said, thinking of all the times that he has been ordered to do nothing.

"No, if the Dark Lord thinks you are unprotected, there's no reason for him to bide his time," Draco argued.

"Unless he thinks he's walking into a trap, he needs to be lulled into a false sense of security, and the only way we can do that is by doing nothing!" Harry raged back.

Having heard enough, Draco turned on his heel and stormed out. Torn, Hermione glanced at the thunderous look on Harry's face and raced after Draco.

"Draco, wait, stop! Please!" She shouted, but he didn't seem to hear her.

"Draco," Hermione grabbed his wrist upon catching up to him and pulled him to a halt, "I know that it might seem like–"

She was cut off by a sudden flurry of commotion coming from Professor McGonagall's office. There was a loud thump and several exclamations. She wanted more than anything to rush back in but she was unwilling to let go of Draco who stood firm.

"I-it's–" She began, but Draco cut her off harshly.

"Is that what heroes do?" His voice was cold, "Sit idly by?"

Hermione cast her eyes downwards, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to leave Hogwarts now and find my mother before Bellatrix does. If I get to her before Aunt Bella, we can still have a chance at destroying the cup!" He said pleadingly.

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