"No you need to get her to trust you." Declan countered,"Frankly I couldn't care less because I know exactly how to get her to do what we want."

Aubrey's eyes narrowed,"And how is that?"

Again a smirk,"This your chance. Your chance to find out and prove to yourself if no one else that you're not crazy. To not gulp those pills you carry around everytime something you can't explain happens. All the answers that you've wanted, it all within your grasp."

Even before Declan had finished he knew he had Aubrey, even Aubrey could tell as much.

Somehow Declan knew exactly which button to push. She tore her gaze away from Declan and looked at Michael and nodded.

"Fine I'll come with you." She said,"But I need answers."

"You'll get all of them if you come with us." Michael said nodding,"And we aren't doing this to lure you out and kill you."

"Besides." Declan drawled,"We could have just killed you when you were asleep, what difference would it have made? No one would have missed you either way."

Aubrey knew Declan meant it as a light taunt but it actually hurt. Mostly because it was true.

Who was left to miss her anyway? All those people were dead anyway.

"Fine." Aubrey managed to finally say,"Lead the way."


It didn't take Aubrey long to figure out that she was in the Vaughn house. It's grand chandeliers and splendour clear right away as she started down the stairs which was made purely out of marble with a red carpet draped over it.

Both boys flanked her on either side, keeping their distance from her but at the same time making sure that she was at arms length if she tried anything.

To be perfectly honest Aubrey was dead tired to even care to try anything.

Seeing that day again, even in her dreams took something vital out of her. The haunting melody of the phone ringing, her mothers sudden cold demeanour and the talks of queens and monsters.

The way her mother had looked at her and told she was a Valdis and that she should believe in herself right after assuring her father that she loved him made Aubrey always wonder if the accident was going to happen.

That they would drive off a cliff and then Aubrey would wake up two hours before any of the weirdness had actually happened, only this time she would throw a big fuss and refuse to go, locking herself in her room.

Only the second time around she would actually pick up the phone.

Only the second time around she would survive the accident because she wouldn't be in the car in the first place.

Aubrey had always wondered if it was a dream, her being in the car the first time around when it drove off the cliff. But the more she thought about it the more sure she was that those events had actually happened and somehow time had reversed on that day allowing Aubrey to live.

But that girl she saw in the dream-vision whatever was her. Definitely, seventeen year old her, with dyed black hair.

Which was impossible right?

But Aubrey had this nagging feeling that she wasn't wrong and right now maybe where Michael and Declan were taking her would answer everything.

Then why was every bone in her body telling her to run?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Michael asked as they stepped into the living room.

Aubrey's gaze flickered to the painting of the angel that hung on top of the fireplace before she answered,"Nervous actually. You would be to, if you were getting answers to the questions you'd been asking for your whole life."

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