Pavements a little rocky here

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{Deans POV}

I tried my best to hold all my anger back and from trying to punch this 'Jesse' guy in the throat.

"Nice to know, well if you'll excuse me. I need to have a private word with Sammy, if I can still call him that." I said as Jesse scoffed and left the room.

"Listen, Dean I can exp-"
"What the hell were you thinking?! Do you know what dad would do to you if he found out you were sleeping with another man?!"
"Yes, I do know, plus Dean, he doesn't 'own me' anymore. I'm a legal adult."
"Doesn't mean he still can't kick your ass to next week! C'mon Sammy, what happened to wanting to major in law? Or becoming a lawyer and all the other nerdy stuff you dreamed of?"
"Dean, if I learned one thing from coming here and from dad is that 'Dreams don't come true' and they never will. No matter how hard you wish."
His back was facing me now, I knew he was crying but he didn't want me to see it. Usually I was the emotionless one.
"Listen, Sammy, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Its just that I'm trying to-"
"Trying?! Trying to do what exactly?! Ruin my life?! All was well until you decided to show up all of a sudden. How come Dean? You never did that when -"
"When what?! When we were in school? You shut your mouth! I always stood up for you! Wanna know why? Because we're family, bound by blood, nothing can ever seperate us Sammy, and you know that."
He sighed with frustration and turned to look at me.
"What are you doing here?"
"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."


"Woah, woah, what do you mean by a few days?"
"A week or so.." I said grabbing an apple from a little basket and chewing on it.
"Those are green apples." Sam said, I can't believe he still remembered that I hated green apples, but I couldn't see the color because it was so dark.

"So what? When a mans hungry, he'll eat what he can get." I said shrugging my shoulders, even though I despised the taste I tried to eat it. Sam scoffed as he noticed my struggle.

"Trash can's over there, idiot."
I ran to spit out the remains off green apple in my mouth. Then rinsed the taste using the water from the faucet.
Sam came in and sat on the bar stool. I couldn't help but notice how his hair got in the way of his face and his half smile that was plastered on his face most of the time.

"How was it?"
"The apple? Fucking disgusting. Still got pieces in here. Ugh."
"Not that you dumbass." Sam said chuckling, "Life without me, y'know, since I've been here and all."
"Yeah no shit Sherlock, it's alright I guess, a bit more quiet without you and dad fighting like 5 year olds over a candy bar. "
"Dad had unrealistic dreams for me Dean! C'mon, hunting monsters for a living? What good is that gonna do any of us."
"Listen mom died because of some sicko monster, we've been trying to solve this for years, might as well save others while we're at it."
"So its basically all moms fault we started this 'business'."
I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the wall looking him in the eyes.
"Don't you ever talk about mom like that ever again! Do you hear me?!"
He nodded his head 'yes' and I released him.
"So, what are you gonna do? Search for dad?"
"Yeah, but not alone."
"What are you insisting?"
"Road trip?"

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