The Beginning and the Shrek

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Shrek was out for a walk in the forest one day when he stumbled across a piece of bread. He couldn't help but stop and admire its beauty. Its golden crust shone in the sunlight, and its soft, fluffy interior promised a delicious treat.

Shrek was so entranced by the bread that he forgot all about his walk, and instead he decided to take the piece of bread home. He cradled it in his arms and carried it back to his swamp.

Once back home, he decided to prepare the bread in a special way. He heated up some oil and butter in a skillet and added the bread. Then he sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar and let it cook until it was golden and crisp.

When the bread was ready, Shrek took it off the stove and placed it on a plate. He stared at it, admiring the way the sugar and cinnamon sparkled in the light. He smiled and thought to himself, "This is almost too beautiful to eat."

But then his stomach rumbled and he knew he had to have it. He picked up the plate and took a bite. It was heavenly! The flavor was so sweet and spicy, and it brought a smile to Shrek's face.

He ate every last crumb of that delicious piece of bread, and afterwards he felt a warmth spreading through his body. He felt happy and content, and he knew that it was all thanks to that special piece of bread.

From then on, Shrek and the piece of bread were inseparable. They would take long walks in the forest, and Shrek would always make sure to bring the bread so they could share a special snack.

Their love was like no other. It was sweet, it was spicy, and it was pure. And Shrek and the piece of bread lived happily ever after.


Hottie Thottie Shrek x Smexy piece of Bread 🔥🔥🍞💔Where stories live. Discover now