Wednesday; 5:47 PM

308 25 22

"Another week?" The disbelief and frustration in Byulyi's voice was palpable even through Jin's phone. He could just imagine how tightly the stitch in between her brows were, the pout in her lips. He'd pinch her cheeks

"Yeah," he mumbled, trying his best to sound disappointed. He bit his lip to keep them from smiling as he dragged his suitcase through the lobby of her apartment complex. Fortunately, it was late enough that the only people there were the security guards.

Still, Jin kept his head down to better hide his face under his cap.

"But it's our second anniversary," Byulyi replied slowly, dejectedly.

Just yesterday, she was yelling and squealing at the news that he was coming home sooner than his members just in time for their anniversary. And true enough, Jin discretely landed a mere hour ago and was now fast approaching the elevator as he called Byulyi.

But a little surprise never hurt anyone.

Jin released a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry jagi. I really really am. But the snow's really heavy and the airport put up a warning," he cooed as he stood by the elevator and pressed the arrow pointing upwards.

"Can't you buy tickets for tomorrow? Does it really have to be next week?"

"The latest ticket we could buy was for next week."

Byulyi clicked her tongue in annoyance. "That's stupid. 1 week? Maybe the airport's setting you up," she snapped and Jin could hear the shuffles of clothing on the other line. "Hold on, let me get my laptop."

Jin's eyes widened as his hand unconsciously reached out to the air in front of him. "It's okay Byul-ah. Manager hyung talked with whoever he could but this is the best he could do with the holiday season."

The other line went quiet and Jin took it as a sign that Byulyi sat back down.

Restraining the corners of his lips from lifting, Jin continued, "Besides, just one week is nothing right? You can wait for 1 more week right?"

Jin held his breath as he waited for Byulyi's voice. She could be stubborn when she wanted after all and could totally ruin the surprise.

But luck was on Jin's side as Byulyi released another heavy sigh.

"Yeah," she mumbled reluctantly, her voice low and almost inaudible.

"You understand, right?"

"Yeah. I understand."

The elevator was three floors away now and Jin adjusted his hold on his suitcase. "I should go now. I'm really tired."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

"Happy anniversary."


Jin ended the call Byulyi could hear the ding of the elevator. She would kill him later after she finds out. But before that, she'd probably tackle him in a hug.

Jin couldn't stop the stupid giddy smile on his lips nor the quick, almost impatient tap tap tapping of his foot as he watched the elevator numbers climb up.

Until finally they reached the floor of her apartment.

Jin gathered himself as he stood before her door, adjusting the cap on his head, lowering his face mask, wiping his clammy hands on his pants before he finally knocked.

"Who is it?"

A smile unconsciously spread through his lips at the muffled voice of his girlfriend. Though they frequently called each other, nothing could compare to hearing her voice in person.

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